Sheephead Goats

Sheephead Chowder
2 medium onions
Medium potatoes
2 cans chicken stock
1 cup milk
1 cup flour wash (1/2 cup flour-1/2 cup water)
2 1/2 quarts water
Small pack of sliced bacon, about 1 pound
salt and pepper to taste
Trapeys Mexipep Hot Sauce, small amount
4 to 6 quart kettle
1. Slice the bacon into 1/4 inch strips the width of slices. Braise it very slowly until it’s solid brown. Remove the browned bits with a slotted spoon and place them on a paper towel to drain. When they have cooled crush them into bits. Put aside until later. Remove all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon grease.
2. Chop the onions into 1/2-inch pieces and put them in the pot. Cook them slowly until they are clear, not browned.
3. Add the water and one can of the chicken stock.
4. Chop 3 potatoes into 1/2-inch squares and the other 3 potatoes into one-inch pieces and add them to the pot.
5. Cook about one hour at a slow boil.
6. Remove the pot from the heat and stir the potatoes until they thicken. Add the remaining stock and milk, return to the heat.
7. Mix the 1/2-cup flour into the 1/2-cup water stir until blended. Stir into the pot.
8. Shake in as much Mexipep as you dare and add as much sheephead as you want.
9. When the fish is cooked, serve in bowls with a spoon of bacon bits sprinkled on top complimented with oyster crackers. Freeze the left over.