Fishing Forum

Full Version: Joe's Valley Report 1/17/17
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well finley made it over to Joe's Valley, we heard the canyon way was open but was not when we got up there.. so had to go around through Scofield. add'ed 2 hours to the already long drive.. well got there about 9 and out fishing by 9:30.. was slow as it is most the time.. i caught 3 cutt's all day that was it for the 2 of us.. 2 were 1 1/2 to 2 lbs. that last one was a 23 inch 4 1/2 lb fat'y.. made it worth the trip...

lot's of snow up there and the ice was good.. got like 5 inchs hard ice then about 3 inchs of slush then 4 inchs of ice again...
Sounds like a terrible drive, glad the big fish made it worth while [Smile]
[#0000FF]Good-lookin' fish. Good-lookin' rod. The fisherman? Not so much.
yeah that is a really nice fish and rod i got there. a good fishing buddy of mine made that for me, been doing a bang up job!! [Wink]

the fishing in Joe's Valley has been slow on a good day the last 2 or there years. but on most trips i have made there one of us will catch a nice one 4 to 20 lbs (splake, cutt, rainbow, or musky) to make it worth the trip and slow fishing.. the Cutt's have been saving more trips then anything else! some fatty's in there..

still some nice fish on a lake that gets very little pressure and not much snow right now, and good ice.. [Wink]

Remember anyone going there: YOU CAN NOT HAVE A SNOWMOBILE OR WHEELER ON THE ICE!! they will take it from you and fine you.. [Sad]
It is kind of nice to see a good looking healthy fish form time to time. Thanks for the pics .