Fishing Forum

Full Version: bassinbrian, Chic, bass, 1-24-17, Gary
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Decided to come down with my buddy Gary, this was my first bass trip of the year so I was wound up and ready. We fished from Shoddy creek to Harrison bay. We caught fish on jerk. baits, traps, cranks and the A rig. I have never caught a big fish on the A rig but Gary was wearing me out number wise so I finally tied one on. After an hour or so I finally catch a small spot on the rig. We were running out of time so we went to one of Gary's holes, long story short I chunk out the rig and one freight trains it, we see the boil and know its big!! Finally get it in the net, PIG!!!! 8.15lbs on my scale. Hit 9lbs but wouldn't stay so 8.15 it is. Don't know how to poser pic. If someone will pm me ill text it to you. Had 16 total fish. About half were keepers.Gary let a 4lber get off at the boat and I broke one off on a jig. Best day I've had in a long time!! I love the Chic....