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Any recent DC reports, going to try it later today, Island area.

All State park sites are plowed, Charleston, the Island, Rainbow Bay and the main State park. Ice is good where I went Rainbow and Charleston, easy on and off. Rainbow was dead and most groups left before 11:00. I left at 12:00 after moving around a little and talking to several folks with zero fish and zero bites. Went to Charleston end and things were better, groups stayed all day and seemed to be catching a few planter Trout. Wish you Luck!!
Fished the Island area caught one small rainbow, very slow did not mark any fish.
How thick was the ice at Charlston?
5" of ice.
Visited Rainbow Bay today with a few friends and ran into similar results. We moved around a lot and couldn't mark a single fish. Talked to a few guys that had the same results. Nobody could seem to scare up any fish. We were gone by 11. The ice was 5 inches or so and we had no problems getting on or off.