March 30th will open Tennessee's 2002 spring Turkey season. This year you will be allowed 3 Tom's. Are you ready? Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"
here in mich the season is starting by lottery only then may you get a tom in a designated area. <br><br>good luck all you tom hunters. wished I could be there.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
started da 16th hear N Fla....i did`nt go butt i was out on lake cypress(on kissimmee chain) at a fish camp n seen a couple 15 pounders come N....that`s why they brought them N,ta weigh them.....Bsafe!...C-Ya!....<br><br>
not that I am comming down for the hunt but just qurious, what are the rules for outta staters?<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
don`t reely no daveTclown....don`t git ta dew as much hunt`n as i use 2....mayB ya kin find out<br>.........Bsafe!.....<br><br>
I've been once. Heard one Tom, too far to pursue. Going this Thursday with a friend that took a 23 pounder Monday. It's about to break wide open here. Good hunting, Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"