Picked up a new fly box this year that has a much higher capacity than my old system. It got me thinking: what are the top 5 "must have" patterns for a Utah fly fishers box?
For me it goes:
1: Zebra Midge (black and olive)
2: Prince Nymph
3: Copper John (copper and red)
4: Black Jack Nymph (green and red)
5: BWO's
Bonus: Woolly Buggers for when I can't get them to bite on anything else. I can always catch something on a bugger.
Here's a peek inside my new box. I need to fill the many empty spaces...
Looks like you need to get tying!
Olive Serendipity
WD 40's....all colors
Pheasant Tails...flashback, emerger...etc
Hares Ear...all colors
1. Comparadun (grey, size 16-18)
2. Adams (14-18)
3. Elk Hair Caddis (12-16)
4. Hare's Ear (10-16, usually bead head)
5. Coffey's Sparkle Minnow (streamer, 2-6)
Honorable Mention:
1. Prince Nymph
2. Cherobyl Ant
3. Higa's SOS (12-14)
4. Some midge pattern--maybe buzzer midge (18-20)
What type of waters do you like to fish? I typically fish different patterns and techniques depending on specie, size of river, or Stillwater.
Mostly still water from a pontoon boat.
Seal buggers or woolly buggers
Nymphs - hares ears, ap emerger, etc.
Depending on the lakes, minnow patterns
All I can say is: Yellow Humpy it's fun to fish and easy to see.
Everyone I know, including myself, who uses the slit foam boxes slides the flies in from the bend into the slits in the foam rather than point first. Just seems like you can get the bend further into the foam for a more secure hold, more easily find the slot with the hook bend not catching in the foam, and never tear any of the foam taking flies in and out.
I have put slits in all my ripple-foam boxes with an exacto knife.
That's a good point! Good MacGyverism there too.
All good suggestions. I am planning a week trip myself this summer and getting a box ready. Plus Uinta's
I am old school and simple for the most part. Concentrate more on sizes then patterns.
Gunslinger is next in this box.
[quote Tarponjim]Everyone I know, including myself, who uses the slit foam boxes slides the flies in from the bend into the slits in the foam rather than point first. Just seems like you can get the bend further into the foam for a more secure hold, more easily find the slot with the hook bend not catching in the foam, and never tear any of the foam taking flies in and out.
I have put slits in all my ripple-foam boxes with an exacto knife.[/quote]
I'm not sure why I've never thought about that. You are absolutely right.
My stillwater mainstays:
1. Balanced leech in a variety of colors (fished with or without an indicator).
2. Damsel nymph.
3. Gartside-style streamer in a variety of colors; particularly brown & yellow Platte River Spider/Special and Joni's black & purple Showgirl.
Are you talking about the gunslinger chironomid or the one that is tied with hares mask at the thorax. I was thinking of tying some of the ones with the hares mask.
I googled them and found a lot of different ones.
Hares mask, looks a little like a PT with legs.
Thanks Remo ...... Back to the bench.
My favs:
CBS Leech
Prince Nymph
Black Ant
Pheasant Tail
Czech Nymph