02-04-2017, 10:00 AM
emoThumbsup Bit chilly this AM, being 35 degree, water at 48 degree and south wind bout 7 mph, it were for sure sweater weather.... emoSun Warmed a bit especially when out of shade.....<br /><br />Good day for catching fun fish....lots o 2 lbrs, few up around 3lb. It was a finesse type of day as I had nothing on the jerk, trap or crank. Fished water 12 feet or less in a creeping fashion....when its slow, get slower... best was near the 4 lbmark, caught LMouth, SMouth, &amp; drum.....<br /><br />Nice weather as sun did its warmup...tight lines, be safe, enjoyed the day with JSB....my tub still in intensive care..........<br /> emoGeezer emoUSA