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Full Version: Willard Bay 02/04/2017
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Spent a few hours on the hardtop at Willard Bay this morning. I was't expecting to catch anything and sure enough I didn't! Ice was ~8" thick and access was great at on the Southwest side. Edges were still strong despite the very warm night.

We did mark several on my Lowrance Elite 4X off the bottom (20 FOW) and a few at the 15 FOW range, but we could not entice them to take a bite. We tried spoons, worm and wax worm tipped tube jigs, and even a lipless crankbait, but to no avail.

I heard Willard was a cruel mistress and she treated us that way! On our way out I talked to a fellow angler and asked him about his was the same. He even said this was his 5th time out with no bites. Respect for his determination!

Thanks to TubeDude and Fish_Digger for their advice and the Willard Bay KMZ file that at least gave me some ideas where to fish and with what to fish with.
Thanks for the info. Maybe next time they'll bite for ya.