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Gonna try to get more fishing in and less paddling by adding a battery powered trolling motor to my kayak. The guy at Bass Pros thought I would need to get it registered for Nevada if the vessel is motorized. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks
[quote KoolB]Gonna try to get more fishing in and less paddling by adding a battery powered trolling motor to my kayak. The guy at Bass Pros thought I would need to get it registered for Nevada if the vessel is motorized. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks[/quote]
A quick call to Nevada Fish and Wildlife will get you a straight answer.

4747 Vegas Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89108
Phone: (702) 486-5127
Fax: (702) 486-5133

I believe you need an AIS sticker; maybe registered also but best ask. Office is open 8 to 3:30.
Welcome to BFT. Yes, an AIS decal and registration are required for any vessel with a motor.
thanks to both of you for the info, I actually just called, they said you need the AIS whether you have a motor or not, did not know that
[cool]As I recall if your boat has a motor of any kind it must have a boat registration. That costs about $30.00. All boats regardless of power or not, need an AIS sticker which costs$5.00 for nonmotor and $10.00 with a motor.Floattubes are exempt.
I had asked the clerk at the NDOW office in Henderson about this when I got my AIS stickers for my kayaks.
BigE, just curious, did you add a motor to your kayaks?

I am still thinking of the way I want to do it, while also adding outriggers. Looking at a lot of youtube videos.
[cool]Nah. I like the simplicity of paddling around.
I'm also thinking of putting a trolling motor on my kayak. Did not know I needed to get it registered but I will do that. I have the AIS sticker already but am pretty sure I am gonna have to renew it sometime coming up soon. I also put outriggers on my yak because it was super unstable, I'll get a nice pic and put it up here. Just recently bought a cast net too because I haven't had much luck out here yet and I want some bait the fish will bite so I am excited to try that out soon. Hopefully I run into all the other yak fisherman out there real soon!
please, I'd love to see pics of your set up
Hey KoolB sorry for the late response, finally got out last week although it didn't go as planned I still got some tweaking to do to my kayak but here it is! I was at willow beach last week and set out about 6 am but I didn't get anything that day. I was having problems with my line and the trolling motor as that was the first time being out with the trolling motor on the kayak! I need to get it registered because I only had the new AIS sticker but someone informed me as I was leaving that I need to get it totally registered at ndow.
Thats a nice setup, I bet the outrigger really help with the stability.
Thanks wiperhunter! Yeah before the outriggers I could barely stand and it was pretty wobbly just reaching behind me for poles or gear out of the crate, and even going up towards the front end of the yak was bad. Since the outriggers it is like night and day I can stand and I feel a LOT more comfortable in there! I need to find the right height to have them sitting on the water just perfect, they do slow me down a little bit though but I'll take stability over speed on a yak any day. Unfortunately I have still yet to land any fish out here, any tips I can get are greatly appreciated!
Thanks for the pictures. That is a nice setup! I am using pvc on mine also. I am glad it is stable with the outriggers. I have raised my seat also and was worried about the stability even though I added outriggers. Hope to do my trial run this weekend, so the fishing can start. As far as fishing, it has been quite awhile for me, so I am not the one to ask. I use to have a boat, but it was more of a ski boat, so basically I would anchor it and use anchovies, they do work good though.