I have a trip planned to FG for later this week. With the warm temperatures that we have been having, and the forecast of more of the same, I am concerned about the ice conditions. I would appreciate any update on the current ice conditions.
I can't imagine you having much issue. Not sure where you are heading exactly.
The ice was as solid and clear as I have ever seen on the Gorge. There was probably 8+" as far South as I checked (Swim Beach), and about 12" up at Anvil. All clear, solid ice. Edges were great all day.
Agreed, SB was good with one exception. There is a pressure ridge running north/south, that is pretty active. Going out Saturday, it was fine to cross. After the ice sheet shift about 11:00, it was dicy getting back. Had to go to shore and make way around it. Be careful.
Was up in the vicinity of Holmes Crossing and ice was 9" to 10" of clear ice, solid all the way to the shore where I was at. About an inch of snow/frost made for a little easier walking. Fishing for pups was fair.
I'll be in Manila this weekend. I can use vacation time to go early.
Thank you for the replies and I hope you are all correct that the ice will be fine. I know the ice can go bad really fast; especially, if it rains on it a bunch.
Just like others have stated, ice is clear and holding and even still had snow on top as of yesterday morning. The pressure ridges have gotten worse the last few days though, and can be nerve wracking to cross.
Good luck!
Is there any more snow on the ice up north by Firehole or the confluence?
Not sure, didn't go that far uplake. Saw snow on the ice up to Anvil Draw on Saturday and Antelope Flat on Sunday. Hope it helps.
Thanks, I'm up here now and loving the temps! Ice is thick every where I've went. Started at lost dog now I'm over by Lucerne.
I was up there on Saturday. There was about an inch of snow on top of the ice. We fished south of the confluence but the entire lake from Buckboard to Lost Dog had a layer of white snow. By the time we left it was alittle slushy so it could all be melted by now. There was a good 12 inches of ice so no worries about that.
I talked to a buddy who fished Anvi, Holmes and Buckboard today. There was standing water on the ice (from all the rain) and he said the pressure ridges were wild and not crossable. He said everything south of Buckboard had cloudy ice and the rain (and melting snow from the heat) was honeycombing the ice.
I would recommend the Confluence, Firehole or somewhere north...unless someone else has different info.
Yes, the ice was getting bad today by the pipe line area and Lucerne. Didn't chance crossing the pressure ridges, they were active! Just in the last few hours the ice has changed dramatically. T-shirt weather today.
Thanks Shark!
I will be there this weekend.

How bad was the pipe line area?
Should I bother to bring a 10 foot pallet for the edges?
Describe the ice. Should I walk on it?
I just checked the Manila weather: 52°F, wind 1 mph ENE.
It's getting colder again. Will the ice survive at pipe line?
Friday 47/30 RAIN .36"
Saturday 38/15
Sunday 31/14 Sunny
We are thinking of going Saturday also, any ice reports over in Linwood bay? Might be the last trip of the year.
[quote Rippinlips63]We are thinking of going Saturday also, any ice reports over in Linwood bay? Might be the last trip of the year.[/quote]
Perhaps I'll see you there! I can be contacted easily because my tablet has Verizon connectivity.
Echo has two ice fishermen and no tents on the ice that I see from the highway on my way to Manila now. That's a sharp contrast to last time when there were lots of people and tents. Slight drizzle a few miles past it. Ice has about 20% of it's surface covered by wet water.
The Lucerne webcam shows water along the edges, it won't be long now until I get the boat up there, woo hoo!!
We fished Anvil Draw this morning. We walked off of the point and in the morning it was OK; however, when we came in, at noon, there was a large open area near the shore that we had to walk around. We checked the Anvil Draw boat ramp, as we left, and it still looked OK; however, the wind was blowing really hard and the air temperature was 59 degrees when we left. There is water everywhere on the ice from the surface of the ice melting. If this rain reaches over there (no rain on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, up until we left) the ice will go really fast. Even without rain, the ice was quickly melting.
I know a lot of people are trying to head up this weekend, if your not going north of buckboard just stay home!!! Its bad out their people, and if you want to chance it at least take a LIFE JACKET!!!!!!!¡!!!!!