Been checking Utah Lake out over the last few days and it looks like the cap is breaking up. Strong south winds over the weekend have started to pile up the ice to the Northeast shorelines of the lake. Lake level is still VERY low as most of the piles are 20-30 ft. off the shoreline. Lots of mud and dirt being included in them. There are big open areas off Provo River, Lindon Harbor, and AF harbor. IF the wind continues for another several days, it should really clear quickly. NOW, all we need is some water!!
Another interesting thing, there is lots of construction going on at AF harbor. They have removed the fence at the left side of the entrance to the park and are pounding pilings in, most likely for a new fence. In the parking area to the right of the entrance, they have a big skip loader with a jaws bucket clearing trees, while a smaller bobcat is moving dirt and gravel around. It appears that they may be enlarging the parking area and/or clearing access to the mouth of the river.
Interesting stuff, will keep watching and reporting !!!
PS: If the lake clears off, this will be the earliest that I have ever seen it clear. There have been several times it has not frozen solid, but the chunks showing up on the shore are 6-8 inches thick, so it was a good hard cap .
Thank you for the good news, [

If all goes good this week with the rain and wind maybe we will be floating in a couple weeks, time to get the boat ready.
I've seen waterskiers launch at the SS harbor on Valentines weekend before.
Good info -- Thanks
I took a little ride out to Lincoln Beach last Sat. and the ice was piling up pretty high in a couple of places in Goshen Bay. Water is higher than it was last month but still lots more needed. In-flow at Benjanin Slough is higher than it ever was last year. Now if they will just let some of the run-off trickle down to UL....
Utah Co. Sheriffs were there Sat. with their new super-duper Search and Rescue airboat. Looked like they had tried a maiden voyage down the launch channel but not sure if they got on the ice or not. Hope they keep it handy just in case I need it this summer -- or just in case they need it for me.
Bring on the wind and the run-off. Enough of this ice and cold!
Thanks again for the update.
The Pelican Bay harbor is full of construction work, as it is going to be dredge. A sign states that the harbor is closed until sometime in May I recall correctly. At the end of last year there may have been one foot, or two at the most of water in the harbor.
[#0000FF]I figured that the combination of warm temps, rain and wind would be doing some damage to the ice. In fact, I was going to PM you to see if you had been watching it.
Thanks for the report. Guess I can tune up my tube and get ready for a new season of wet fishing.
I'm even optimistic that there will be enough water to float in without kicking bottom.
Yeeeee hawwwww!
We are getting some of the run off, there is 216cfs going into the lake today, hopefully it stays up that high all week. only 139cfs coming out of DC, stuff is a meltin[

If it doesn't get some water you will have to come up with some pvc accessories for your waders[cool]
[#0000FF]PVC stilts?
I was already planning to get some big tread track shoes for running across the top of the mud to chase down the fish.
Hoping it won't come to that.
We may have to pull out our ladders to fish off of this year !! Wade, Wade, Wade, till you get into 2 ft of water, then set up the ladder to sit on so you don't have to stand !! Will go down and check it out again tomorrow, may even take a few pictures to post !!
My ice fishing gear is in storage until next year. Started my motor today and installed my new sonar! Utah Lake March 1 ( hopefully). I left a 36" cat there last season. Got to get there early before BLK and the other kitty pros!😀
I was hoping for march 4, there is good water going in, need to keep it warm and wet[

Checked flows into the lake yesterday. Provo, Spanish Fork River, and Benjamin Slough looked encouraging
I have been monitoring [url ""][/url]
yesterday there was 270 cfs, got me all excited[

only 183 cfs today, but I noticed they are letting a little more out of DC so its looking good, have to go down to LB and see what it looks like on saterday.