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Full Version: First Willard wiper of the season 3/3/17
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Wiperslayer and I got out to Willard today. Water temp was 40 degrees in the South marina but as soon as we got out into the Bay it dropped to 39*. Marked a lot of fish in Freeway bay but they had lock jaw today. We tried bottom bouncing worm harnesses, fishing with mussels, even trolling cranks, we were trolling between .3 and 1.3. Finally 5 hours into our day a fish ripped the pole out of my hand, before I knew what happened. I looked over the side of the boat just in time to see my rod being pulled off into the depths.[crazy] I figured that pole was gone but Ira put the electric trolling motor on Spot Lock and said to put on a big Kastmaster and start casting and dragging the bottom in hopes of hooking the rod. Sure enough, 5 or 6 cast later Ira hooked my line. I grabbed the line and started pulling it in and low and behold to fish was still on it. I was thinking it was going to be a big walleye but I should have known better, it was a wiper. From the looks of it, it made it through the worst of Winter in really good shape. I was the only fish we caught but it was a nice day on the pond and nice to get out on the open water again. Kudos to Stan55 for tying the worm harness I used today, it might have been a skunk without it.
On another note, they are installing the new fish cleaning station, they were hoping to be pouring concrete today but it wasn't done when we left at 5pm. They are planning on having it finished by next week.
Well someone had to be first - Nice job Curt! Man you look pretty cold!

Kudos and you even got your rod back which is even more awesome. I think Ira deserves another trip on the house - LOL

And that was good news about the cleaning station too!

Thanks for the update...
Thanks for the report and nice catch! That's a great story, I'm surprised you guys found the rod.
Awesome story and thanks for the update! Glad you could keep the skunk outta the boat!
Great story Curt!
I was actually fishing in his boat yesterday. I wasn't so sure we would get that rod back but I was so grateful to him for snagging it and the fish was just a bonus. I rarely hold a rod in my hand while fishing at Willard because that can happen so easily. Even though I was fishing for Walleye, on the bottom, wiper will feed on the bottom as well, so you can't be too careful. Walleye tend to just bite lightly, when hitting a worm harness, wipers on the other hand hit full speed. Lesson learned, never assume that because you are fishing early in the season, with cold water temps that a wiper won't rip a pole out of you hand[Wink].
Hey Curt -- glad to hear you've been out testing the waters....I am looking forward to the trolling season with 'bait in my mouth' ... no,wait, that's 'with baited breath'....sounds like the same thing.... anyhow, I'm excited for the open water season also, but am currently still in ICE MODE....and enjoying trips to Strawberry and maybe another to Mantua...Man, that was a good story, glad you got your rod and a great fish....looking forward to Willard....Guluk...
Glad you got at least 1 early spring wiper. I remember when my line broke at the tip and a wiper swam off with your planer board in tow. We managed to get that fish and your planer back too. You have lady luck with you it seems. Good job on that first wiper of the season.
Wow great story Curt. I just drove up there and can't believe my eyes. I've never seen it this full. I can't wait to get out.
Yes, I was very surprised we got it back as well, I guess it shows that there is always some hope, in those situations and just like what happened when the line broke when we were fishing together, there is even hope of catching the fish. Of course having a little luck doesn't hurt either[Wink].
I thought about going up there today but seems the wind would have just pushed us around, so I decided to replace a broken downrigger swivel base and clean/grease the motors on the Cannons. Maybe next weekend though.
Hey Curt, with Smith & Edwards nearby they have a good selection of rope in their rope room. You can get a tether so you can hold the rod without loss and while your at it get enough to cinch yourself down in the boat in case another wiper comes along and give you a run for your money, [Image: bobwink.gif] The "Marlin" of Willard Bay. [Image: whistle.gif] Glad you got your rod back, at least the dust is washed off. I have a small history like a few do of broken rods catching fishies, most small ones, 1 rod lost to a deep lake in Cullman, Alabama in 1968 crappie fishing(that one haunts me still today not knowing of the size slab that robbed me). [Image: suspicious.gif]
Thanks for the post, I best get out there early or they will be it was good seeing you last fall at willard.
Good news all the way around.
That's good news. We caught them last year on the 5th of March. My friends were planning on going this past weekend haven't heard about it yet though.
My son, his old high school buddy and I took a three day three lake ice fishin trip to Idaho this year. Hit Devils Creek, Chesterfield and Deep Creek in that order. Had three different episodes where the ice rod went down the hole. Explained to those two that the fish and that rod are probably sulking down in the bottom. Sure nuff,all three times,those fish swam around and tangled someones line and we were able to retrieve both the fish and the pole ! I had one nice one at Chesterfield try to take me down but he was no match these lightning quick 59 year old reflexes !
Good job Curt.
I bet you got the first wiper of the year for the bay. 39' that is cold.
Wow catching wipers on a worm harness, who would of thunk.[Wink]
Nice recovery Curt. You are the man And a great story to boot. It is always heart warming to get your favorite pole back in your hands. Last year my buddy lost one by the Island when the Walleye were on. Never recovered it. He's still mad about loosing his favorite pole to the depths of Willard monster. Thanks for the great story. And I hope to see you again this year on the water. And I really hope they get the South Marina road repaired. Or launching is going to be a mess on the north side
Rick Out [fishon]
Cool Beans,

I will be on the pond not this weekend but next. hopefully the water warms up a bit....
