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Fished deer creek this morning with my 11 year old daughter and were treated to really good rainbow fishing.!after easy limits we switched it up and trolled large rapalas and caught this 10.93 lbs brown in 40 fow with the down riggers. Fish engulfed the large rapala and pulled its gills badly. Fish was dead when we tried putting in back so now it's going on the wall. Can anyone recommend someone here in the valley for a mount?
Beautiful brown. Congratulations and that one is definitely wall worthy.[fishon]
Awesome fish.
Sid Killian...Wildlife Art Studios. He's in West Jordan. I don't have a phone book handy but he's in the book. Beautiful work.
Yes, Beautiful brown for sure!!
I specialize in both skin mount and replica fish. Would love to help you get her done.
I sent you a pm with contact info. as I don't get on here much. Feel free to give me a call.
John Holley's Taxidermy
How long was that brown?
[quote 300win]How long was that brown?[/quote] 28 inches it had 4 planter rainbows in its gut.
[quote JohnHolley]Yes, Beautiful brown for sure!!
I specialize in both skin mount and replica fish. Would love to help you get her done.
I sent you a pm with contact info. as I don't get on here much. Feel free to give me a call.
John Holley's Taxidermy[/quote]Thanks for reaching out to me I will definitely be calling you this week.
[quote 300win]How long was that brown?[/quote]
Thanks for the info.
Great fish! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks TrulineRick that brown was a giant.[fishon]
What a great fish! I saw you on the ramp. We were in a Crestliner. We got some smaller rainbows, always hoping for that big one..

Nice to chat with you Humpy. I've been fishing deer creek for over 9 years and prior to this brown my largest was maybe a 3 1/2 lb rainbow. I've heard of some large browns in there but never fortunate to land one. The larger the bait the larger the fish. It had 4 8-10 inch rainbows in its gut.
Nice Fish!
Thanks for sharing your catch of the day! Were going to go out later in the day, but the wind was a blowing, so we did not go out. Now you gave us the bug to get out and troll with our favorite Rapala's... Nice fish!!!
Yea the wind could suck sometimes. I'll be out there Saturday morning dragging some rainbow pattern rapalas. I'm on a 19 ft Warrior boat say hi if we cross paths.
It was nice to meet you today Rick at cabelas. Thanks for sharing information.[fishon]
Same here 300win. Always nice to meet a fellow member. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has the illness of over buying tackle. Keep in touch maybe one of these days we can go out together. I live in Draper so Deer Creek is always easy.
That would be great TrulineRick. I'm in Sandy so we are close. I've got to get the boat out soon or I'm going to go broke.[fishon]
Wow that is awesome! DC is churning out some lunkers this year