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Looking to hit the Provo Sat for the first time in a couple of months, been too busy to get out. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions from recent trips?
I fished the middle on Saturday and did well on sow bugs.
Thanks- it will be good to get out again finally and will post a report.
I've been meaning to get out as well. I usually start fishing it about this time of the year. I haven't tried it yet but may also be out on Saturday (as, I'm sure, will many others if it's a nice day).
Fished the middle section on Sunday. There was a pretty good midge hatch going on early afternoon. I would guess the warmer temps will encourage more surface action, not to mention angler pressure. Some leader shy and picky fish but lots of action if you can key in on the right size.
HIt the Provo-middle section Saturday. 5 browns brought to the net, all about 16 - 17 inches. 1 on wooly bugger, 1 Griffiths gnat, 1 mikes midge, 2 on cased caddis. There was an awesome hatch going on for about 2 hours, but for the life of me I could not match it. Any one else have any ideas?
[quote _6x_]I've been meaning to get out as well. I usually start fishing it about this time of the year. I haven't tried it yet but may also be out on Saturday (as, I'm sure, will many others if it's a nice day).[/quote]

Glad you did well.

This is the time of year when I typically forget it exists. I cannot deal with the crowds. You must have the patience of a saint.
First time out all year yesterday. Did well on a bright colored streamer with the sun out. Hit the water at 11am. There was one other guy in the lot when I pulled up and a car that had 3 guys in it. Saw two other guys after that, the one went way upstream and the other guy kept trying to stay in front of me after he saw me wading down. We made eye contact, which meant he was watching me, and he packed his stuff quick and tried to jump into the next few holes down from me. Too bad he was on the wrong side of the river, lol. Did that to me three times. The third time, I decided to leave. Nothing worse then having a stretch of river between 2 guys and he decides to fish 15 yards from me the whole time while trying to pinch me out every time I moved. Reminds me why I don't go out to the Provo unless I'm with a buddy.

Besides that it was great. Lots of big bugs on the water in the seams, no risers that I saw though.
Hit the middle again last night arrived around 6pm, fished to dark. 3 in the net all 16"+, 2 on cased caddis again and then they light up on small black dry midges, not many rising, but could not keep them off the hook. Had 2 bigger ones for 2 or minutes each that broke me off on 7X tippet.