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Have not fished DC since decontamination went into effect. For those who have gone thru it how do they go about it? Is the water at high pressure, seats, etc..
I just did it today for my fist time after fishing D.C. Today. Both rangers who I talked to were nice, but I could tell neither of them wanted to really do it. Both just encouraged me to dry the boat and park it for 18 days per the rules, or just come back to D.C. Again.

It only took 15-20 minutes, depending on the size of your coat of course. They had a high pressure hot water sprayer that they used on the outside of my boat. They hooked up my engine to the water and flushed it also. Live well etc. I wondere if they needed to get the seats and carpet but just the outside.
The only things that need decontaminated are those items which touch the water, such as your boat hull, motor/outdrive, anchor and rope and boat trailer. The interior of your boat is not decontaminated unless you get a lot of water inside, like when you get in from swimming a bunch and drip large amounts of water inside, or if you have a water toy that dumps a bunch of lake water inside the boat etc. I suppose if your boat leaks a lot, the bilge should be decontaminated also.
If your interior needs to be de-contaminated, they set the wand on low pressure, its not the pressure that counts, it's the 140deg. temperature for 10 seconds that kills veliger's. Your engine interior is decontaminated by running the motor with the flusher muffs on and flushing the engine with hot water. Most engines run hotter than 140 deg. so weather its doing any good or not there I'm not sure, better to be safe than sorry. Mostly if you have items that have been in the water, they will ask you to place them on the ground so they can spray them off outside your boat. that's my experience anyway....
Did you get it done at D.C.? I was there Saturday and they told me it wasn't running.
Yes it was at DC. Early in the year its hit or miss. I suppose it depends on who the officer is. later in the year its going all the time.
I had mine done ant dc on Saturday. When I first got there around noon they told me it wasn't running. When I left they told me they had only enough gas for one more boat. I kind of got the impression they didn't want to do it for me, but I want to hit Willard here soon so I said thank you, I would love to be the last boat.

When I got home I realized another good thing about having them do it for me, my boat was nice and clean and I didn't have to pull out the power washer.