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Full Version: GPS advice
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Long story short. I have a Lowrance depth finder I bought three years ago for the sole purpose of ice fishing. I got the elite 5x. X meaning no gps on it. Then last year I got a small fishing boat and realized that while the lowrance was great, I needed a gps to control my speed and location better. Do I am wondering if I can just get by another year or so and just use the gps feature on my Samsung phone. So what I am wondering is what gps app do you all use? Which one should I look at! In your opinion which is worth the money?
here is one to try

another one to look at
Gps Nautical Charts

look these up on you tube
I just found this app it looks OK

I just put it on my GPS Android Tablet

I'm going fishing Wed. I will see how it works. it is free.

User Guide
Thanks. I'll check these out.