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Full Version: Ice-off conditions
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I took a little drive up to Porcupine yesterday in hopes to find enough open water to cast in. The paved roads were clear all the way to the bottom of the dam. The dirt road was a little muddy at the bottom, but it was fine all the way up to the dam. Porky is still capped but it doesn't look like it will be that way for long.
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I decided to take a few casts in the river below Porky. It's running pretty high and swift with all of the water letting out.
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I had a few follows and taps on Panther Martin, but no takers. I switched to a Blue Fox vibrax minnow and had one pound it as it hit the surface. He fought pretty hard for his size and seemed quite healthy although a tad on the skinny side. I put him back to put on more weight.
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I drove past Hyrum hoping for some water to cast. The ice is pulling away, but most places it was only a couple of feetbetween shore and ice. It was considerably more open by the spillway, but since there were already 3-4 cars parked there I didn't want to overcrowd. I'll hit it in near future.
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My question to y'all is what lures and techniques do you prefer for targeting ice-off lunkers? I have had OK success with spinners, spoons and cranks running parallel to shore. No monsters, but decent fish. I've heard of people using soft plastics for big browns but I've never done that much. Any tricks to the trade I should be trying?
I've done well with 2.5" tubes on a 1/16 oz. head. Greens and clears with sparkle seem to be the best. Throw some crawdad Smelly Jelly on also.
Thanks, Brookieguy! I might already have some tubes that fit that description. What style of retrieve do you have the most success with?
I try to throw it as close to the ice edge as I can or on the ice itself and pull it off. Let it sink all the way to the bottom but watch your line where it enters the water. Many hits will come on the drop. Then bounce it back you. I usually always let it fall back to the bottom but sometimes swimming it through the water column works. Just remember to watch your line and the takes will usually be while the jig is falling, not when you're lifting it. Strike at any twitch of your line or if it stops falling before it should be hitting the bottom. Hook sets are free! Oh and 6lb. Nanofil by Berkeley is some amazing line for a spinning reel. Expensive, but well worth the $20.
Thanks for the tips. I hope to give it a try.