Fishing Forum

Full Version: FirstLight, The Mauga, Bass, 03/12/17, Buddy of mine
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I got an unexpected hall pass today and took it. After yesterday's showing in the CFF #2, I was anxious to get back out and fish. Put the boat in with an old fishing buddy of mine at chick marina at about 10. No other trailers on the lot.. The wind was blowing 10-15 down the lake making some pretty good sized swells. We started out around the dam and threw cranks and jerks along the wind blown rip rap and only picked up a drum. Made a run to a main lake point and worked it with jerks and picked up a small Brownfish. Worked our way back into the slough pitching timber and nada. Thought that might've been a good pattern - wrong. Moved to an isolated dock in deep water and caught 3 LM out of it including a 3lber. Moved to some more docks and they didn't produce so we switched it up again. Worked a shallow point and my buddy catches a 19" smallmouth on a lipless, nice. Make another move and we pass a stretch of bank that I've always wanted to try; but there is usually a boat sitting on it. There wasn't today so we stopped and we had a good little flurry on it. Caught 8 or 9 two pound class LM chunks on jigs and a nice spot too. Deep water 16 to 18 feet. When that dried up, we ran up the lake to fish some points that have produced the last couple weeks and didn't do much more; except for a 3 and a half pounder that my buddy got on a lipless.... hit a couple more spots and then put her on the trailer and headed to dinner with the family. All in all beautiful day on the water, especially after yesterday. Plus, not much boat traffic at all....<br />