Good crowd at Lincoln today. Several boats launched and water level in the channel seems to be adequate for all. Lots of waders and boaters by the orchards and boats headed for the island. Did not see any walleyes caught but MSM will probably hammer them again tomorrow.
I managed 8 or so cats with the biggest being 26 and 27 inches long. Tough cattin'. Bites were soft with lots of pop and drops. Did best with wb and carp meat. I held the two biggest in live well for a photo op; all of the others were immediately ejected from the boat.
Lots of carp activity along the east shore. Saw several carp cruise past my boat and managed a couple of shots at 'em but my arrow was crooked and I missed. I think the warm weather has them thinking about making more baby carp.
Should be a good day tomorrow. Somebody needs to follow MSM and see where/how he catches all those big walleye.[

Fish on.
Way to go! Save some for me will ya?
Good Job on the Kitties! Glad to see you aren't letting them rest[

I am curious though, this trip 8 was "Tough Cattin" and the trip before was 9 "and the fishin for kitties was good." Doesn't seem a lot different to me.
Was just that the bite was more tentative yesterday?
Hope to see you on the water this soon!
Fish were scattered yesterday. I fished from Sandy Beach to the Orchards and never did find a hot spot. Fishing near the springs has been good but not so much yesterday. My two best fish were caught about a mile east of the launch. When the water temps get up into the mid-sixties the cattin' will be much better and the bites will be more of the kind that will rip the pole right out of your hands. I've had some nasty cuts on my hands from twiddling with my braded line when a super aggressive cat decided to bite. Fun.
Lavaman-- If I remember right UL is your old fishin' hole. I've been waiting for you to show me where the big ones hang out. Should be a good year... you need to make a trip or two down this way.
The best is yet to come.
I always have plenty of people following me, but there only a couple that will stay, either they get tired of snagging on the bottom or hitting there out drive on it,
I always try to catch one when no one is looking, that way nobody will hang around very long[

[#0000FF]Sneaky devil, ain'tcha?
Always love to hear the sound of a newbie angler to Bird Island "discovering" the prop eating monster.
I try to be, but I think most know where I fish, in the water right, unless it fly fishing on a river then its in the trees. it hard to be sneaky to many people know my boat and truck,
hey that pic looks like the one I took, that is in front of the L where you can drive down,
I got one guy to stop yesterday before he found the bottom, most think I'm just real friendly waving, the record is 4 boats in a day to find out UL ain't all muddy bottom.
We were out there Friday morning also and had two quick bites and that was it. We tried by the orchards, by the springs and we also tried the island for the first time. Now I know why it's call bird island.
Nice cats there, BLK! If that's a slow day for you then I'm definitely doing it wrong.
[#0000FF]Might be your pic. I "accommodated" it from someone. Might as well be you. Thanks.
I think we have had the discussion that it sometimes doesn't even matter if you show somebody exactly where to fish, tell them how to fish it...and even give them the hot lure to use. Some folks just plain don't got the fishin' smarts to put it all together.
The downside of that is if you tell a lot of people where you fish, you will have trouble finding a spot to fish it yourself on your next trip...even if the dimbulbs are only spooking the fish and not catching any.
Anybody knows ya gotta hold yer mouth right, stand on yer left foot, raise yer right elbow and whistle through yer nose if'n ya wanna ketch them wallie-eyed thangs.
Hey don't give away all the secrets on how to catch them,
some times you just have to put in the time to figure out you have to hold that right foot forward just a bit and the elbow has to be level with the shoulder and its just one nose hole.[sly]
you bet on the pic, I know I have a bunch of your stuff saved,
thank you.[
