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Visit and vote for your favorite reel and fish for dinner. <br><br>SKA Anglers email me a photo of your boat and division fished and I will post it on my website for free.....<br><br><br><br>
Welcome BluewaterAngler to the board. <br> I just viewed your site and have to admit that it looks like a fairly new site. But, it is one of the easyest to navigate that I have seen in quite a while. Great job. Am looking forward to your future posts.<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
You left out my favorite fish for dinner. I like my shark!!!!!!!!!<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.
Newell and White Sea Bass. lol<br><br>Great site<br><br>
nice nice nice... welcome <br><br>nice boat<br>nice fish<br>nice crew<br>nice (is that a fifty six ford?)<br><br>favorite fish is Blue Gill.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
WHO built your site????????<br>I gota talk to them. If you want to keep this private just send to my home e-mail at<br><br>Texas Gulf Coast Fisher.