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Drove by the pumphouse the other day to see what the water level was like and was pleasantly surprised to see it rising considerably. Looks like it is up over a foot, maybe 2 since I last looked a couple months ago.
[#0000FF]Good news. Yep, the lake is filling again. Yeah, team. Should be high enough for you to launch your pride and joy any time now.

I got a good supply of bait if you wanna take a ride in the next couple of weeks.
56.86% full.

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Deer Creek is over 97% and Jordanalle is almost 70% and runoff is just getting started. Looks good this year.
Current projections show the lake level reaching 1.3' below "Compromise" (full elevation @ 4,489') by July. That is about 4' deeper than last July.
I drove around from Lincoln beach to Goshen Bay and was happy to see the water looks a lot better than the past few years. Catfish wont have to carry their own water if they want to cruise the southwest end of the lake. I plan to catch a couple 3 footers here shortly when the cows go to the mnt and I have more time.
Yes, last Nov 23 it was at 7.06' below compromise (27.28 % full), and today it says 3.97' below (60.02 % full), so it's now 3 feet deeper than last November AND RISING.
Hey Tom,
Havent heard from you for a bit. Home all is well and yes the water continues to rise.
The lake depths being reported are all over the map. The percent full is going up and down like a yo-yo. The Jordan River flow in cubic feet per second at 1700 South has been consistently about 1/3 of the Deer Creek outflow for some time now, and this is after all the Salt Lake County streams dump into it. Whoever is reading the Utah Lake water must be either dyslectic or needs a new pair of glasses.

I sorta lost interest in fishing for some reason. Hoping o get it back this summer. I really get a kick outta your picture. First time I saw it I wondered who in the hell does he think he is walking on water like that.
[quote GEEZER]

I sorta lost interest in fishing for some reason.


Tom, that is the Saddest thing I have read all day. Hope you recover soon.
[quote MRJ]The lake depths being reported are all over the map. The percent full is going up and down like a yo-yo. .[/quote]

That's for sure. I've watched and recorded the reported levels for quite some time, and sometimes even the morning and afternoon levels are quite inconsistent. But I think the wind somehow affects the accuracy of the measurement. I'd like to know just how it's measured.
Well good to see you post. Maybe we can get out fishing this year this year some time.
I would bet that the measuring device is at one of the marina's and as you state the wind is probably pushing the water in and out kind of like a tide. Also some of the really big swings could be faulty equipment. You will see anomalies show up on the lake graphs from time to time.
the wind defiantly make the level go up and down on UL, had a buddy went to mud lake (aka. Provo bay) duck hunting in 6 inches of water for his mud boat, south wind picked up and left him in 2 inches, after he run out of gas, search and rescue went and got him and the other 2, the next morning we went out in another mud boat and drove right to him, filled his tank back up and both boats had no problem, mud lake filled back up after the wind quit.
they put cement barricades so you cant launch there next to the freeway, I heard that S&R had enough of going to get people there, maybe they will move them this year if we get enough water.