04-07-2017, 09:00 AM
Hey guys . I have not posted anything before on the thread but I have to share this . I was at work yesterday and on break a buddy of mine sends a text asking if I wanted to do some fishing . I told him it would have to be after 6 pm about the time i would probably be off . He sends me a reply on last break saying that he was gonna be ready to go . AWESOME! !!! So 6 rolls around and Im off to the lake and arrive around 6:30 or so and we are setting sail shortly after . Neither one of us have not been able to do much fishing in the past few years but have been maybe 3 times this year . We have found a pretty good pattern in one spot we have been working so thats the first place we run . So we settle in and about 15 minutes go by I get one probably close to three . Then another , slick . Then my buddy hooks one that goes a little over three . Nice and healthy fish . We get to talking and enjoying the evening and I land another probably close to 3 . Woo they felt good . The sun started disappearing to soon so we just hung around and then i got a heavy thump . oooohhh . Set the hook and it just stopped. Started in on it and up she came with mouth wide open . I probably had a mild freak out when what looked to me like Free Willy crashed across the top of the water . " get the net " I exclaimed to my buddy as he tells me " watch my drag " lol . She fought for a good min and rolled up and he netted her . I lost it with excitement! As i pulled it from the net Couldnt believe what Ibwas experiencing lol. He put her on the digital and it said 8 pounds 11 ounces. Wow my personal best of 6 pounds and 7 ounces was no longer . It was gorgeous lol . We admired and put her back in and she disappeared. I felt super lucky . All i can say is what a way to end the day . 5 fish total . 3 keepers one being 8 plus all cought on Brush hog in fairly deep water . Again havnt posted anything before so sorry if it was boring lol but im super stoked and had to share .