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I noticed there is a little debate going on about taking mans best friend out to state parks and such.

I'm a dog owner and love my mut like one of my kids but I found this item online and thought it might end all the madness of taking dogs to state parks.

the problem is that the only one I found is for cats so I'd have to talk BLM into doing some modifying to make it fit a dog.

I like your thinkin...
That was a riot. I'm going to show that to my sister. She loves cats and I would die just to see the look on her face.
i like that danzilla, cats can be a handfull, my parents have a few and for the most part they behave but that would come in handy when they misbehave
Just LMAO.Thanks I needed a good laugh.
[shocked]Do you think it will fit a 80lb Lab?[laugh]LMAO, ha cant quit laighing.. thanks for the laugh. Predetor needs to see this one. [cool]
that would be nice because you wouldn't have to feed it or clean up after it.
That picture was great, though I received a pretty good jab in the gut from the ole' lady.
it must be harder to offend cat people. I'm glad that you folks have a sence of humor.

all joking aside I wanted to chime in my opinion about taking dogs out to the lake.

If I know that I'm going to be taking my boat and going to be alone in it I'll take my dog with me. I have a large lab and up until mid january I had a cattle dog also but he met his date with fate with a car [Sad]. I dont like it when people refer to their dogs as if they were kids. Dogs are still animals and they have their place on the food chain, they cannot be treated as humans and expected to act that way.

Growing up on a farm we have had alot of dogs and most of them were very good animals, we have had some that have had "mean streaks" in them and that is a trait that cannot be trained out of them 100%. you can make them tolarable but its an animal that cannot be trusted.

I know that large breed animals can be intimidating to people that arent framiliar with them and I dont like to scare people with my dog. theres alot of places that you can take your dogs where you can be alone and let them run (ie lee kay center has an 800 acre "dog range") .

I tend to take fishing seriously and I know that there are others that do also and so when I'm out fishing I dont like to chase my dog around or anybody elses that wander around me. I love dogs and I think they have their place I know this is a huge debate with people taking their dogs out but it all comes down to the responsability of the owners.
