Now that Steelhead season is on the downswing, I've been setting my sights on our Salmon, or lack thereof.
Very few fish have come over the dams as of this morning. Hopefully they are a little late and begin showing soon. I may have to hold off on the buying of gear as of this morning. It's still early so I'm optimistic. Last year the numbers weren't great but we did fairly well. It's such a guessing game.
Last year was good enough to make #10 on the top 10 returns, all-time - which is getting to be pretty elite company. It was one of my best years, but things worked out really well for me and I spent an above average amount of time on the river.
Just based on last year's jack counts alone, we should be looking at around 56,000 spring/summer adults combine across LG, which would be 13th all-time.
Things really need to pick up soon though. In the modern era of salmon fishing in Idaho, only 2006 had less across Bonneville than we got right now. Between the big water, and down numbers, it could be a challenging year this year.
Unprecedented water over Bonneville 500,000 cfs and very low spring temperatures are the primary reason for the late run which always is delayed by such factors. Don't expect any fishing at Riggins till at least June 15th. I predict a thousand a day over Bonneville by May 1st and fishing to be good at Riggins when the water drops under 48,000. Very high water in the four Snake river dams and Columbia should really help the juvenile salmon and steelhead numbers to the Ocean. Really benefitting from the additional 30,000+ flows on the Snake system this year. Fish run will likely be compressed as I expect at least a three week delay from high water in the Salmon if the lack of high temperatures forcast in May continue to delay high country snow melt. It has the potential to mirror the 2011 run where the fishing was not good until the 1st of July due to very cold June temperatures and a very late runoff. I am hoping for a timing more similar to 2009 on a run of just 79,000 over Lower Granite where the run was compressed and lasted just ten days till closing from June 9th-19th. That was the year of the four jack limit if you folks remember the quality of fishing that year. That year water did not get below 48,000 till June 9th. That year the Salmon according to my diary went to 72,000 May 18th and stayed above 60,000 till June 7th. First 800 day that year over lower Granite was May 8th which meant first over Bonneville was about April 23rd. This run appears to be a week behind that year. In low water about 15 day average passage over the 8 dams. If this run is spread out it will be pretty difficult fishing. It really all depends on the weather.
I completely agree with you on everything you said. I too am expecially excited for the quality and quantity of water that are helping our smolts down to the salt chuck. I feel it will pay huge dividends in the years to come. As long as we get a chance at some Chinook I'll be happy. All we can do now is check those dam and pit tag numbers and keep our fingers crossed. 500,000 cfs over
This is making me nervous- I'm going to be out of the country for the last two weeks of June- sounds like there's a chance I could miss all the fun...
The way it is looking right now it may be like 2011 when it did not get good at Riggins till July 1st. This warming trend starting tomorrow with highs in Southern Idaho reaching close to the 80's Thur and Fri will commence the big water Hydrological Prediction Service calling for 55,000 at Whitebird and 45000 at Spaulding. This will slow the very late run further. Really don't know if the run is there or not it appears. Just way to much water. Google Northwest Sportsmans magazine and get update on the 20th-23rd catch report and two other articles about this run.
4K+ over bonneville yesterday. They are comin
I saw that jump in numbers as well... Planning on taking the wife over to Lewiston to chase springers for the first time ever. The anticipation is killing me! Originally had plans to head over on the 17th of May but backed it off a few weeks into early June. Would appreciate any info on the fishery. Have only fished the area one other time which was last year for fall Chinook and steelhead.
Chrome junkie is the dude with the info for that area.
Paul the Clearwater will fish probably 4 weeks earlier this year than the Salmon. It is not hindered once the fish are there ever by muddy water during the time the Salmon are in the river. Four days back from the first 600 day over Lower Granite the fish will be past Lewiston in catchable numbers. The Clearwater run is forecast to be small hence the four day a week fishing and one fish limit. These Clearwater fish will be to Kooskia in decent numbers 15 days back from the first 600 day as well. Last year they arrived in really good numbers there the same time the fishing got good at Riggins. Usually high dirty water is the norm at Riggins before the fish arrive. With sediment levils going to be very high on the Snake and Columbia dams in a couple of days the Salmon will absolutely stop migrating upstream until the water clears to where they have the oxygen levils to begin moving again. Generally this does not last more than 2-4 days. We may not see those numbers reached at Granite this year until the first of June.
Thanks for the info... Heading to Lewiston on the 7th, as that is the only time I can get away!
Fish will definitely be in the river that week and it will likely be very fishable. Good luck.
Personally I am actually excited the fish are late this year. This way maybe there will be a little longer season on the South Fork of the salmon with Fourth of July not being the peak. Only time will tell
Hopefully the peak on the LSR isn't the fourth of July...I can't even imagine that river on the 4th...I hope our smolts are doing good on their tidal wave down to the estuary. I hope it bodes well for the future. I am getting excited to chase some salmon again this year. I know it is way too early to tell, but I am wondering if there is going to be a season on the Upper Salmon again this year.
Hopefully the numbers stay steady over Bonneville. I'm sure they will fluctuate with the water, but the last couple days were a little more encouraging and there was a fair number of PIT tags coming towards Idaho from what I could see. All one can do to get ready is tie more gear up...
I really hope that the salmon are just piled behind Bonneville...If the peak was last week over that dam we are in a lot of trouble.
I'm hoping they start pouring over here soon.
It is official the Washington and Oregon soothsayers have just stated they have cut the projections over Bonneville from 160,000 to 75,000 and Washington closed the season which had hardly commenced on the Snake. Things may change but this is likely going to be the reality. Idaho boys are meeting in Riggins and l expect a curtailment to take place both in limits and possible days per week similar to Clearwater. I do not know how with such a fraction of the fish especially summer run over Bonneville they can make those upriver decisions at this time. Seeing the late run they should have delayed their meeting at least a week. Water conditions are dropping and will not start to go up until middle of next week at Bonneville so if the numbers are going to come up they better do so dramatically in the next four or five days as very high water looks possible by next Saturday. I would project number over Granite to hopefully be around 40,000 which would be the average of 2005,06 and 07. Hope I am wrong but we will see.
I agree with you blacktop. 2200 the last two days with the water dropping. I'd like to see a couple good days this next week. Meetings need to be delayed before they decide on the upper salmon and south fork. We need to watch before we make a good decision, whether the reality is we need to close or not. Hopefully the fish are still waiting with the water.
5800 today and 4080 the day before have me a little cautiously optimistic that they are just holding for good water. It still is

to see the little amount of fish that are forecast. Hopefully they find a way to surprise us a little bit. I've got a lot of gear that I'm afraid I might have to hold onto for a while. If we do get a salmon season in Riggins I don't think it will be any good until the latter part of june.
Dreaded day! Closing fishing 😭I can't believe it. Hope they look at it again soon and the fish just come rushing up river!
6600 today after 5800 yesterday. Maybe. Just Maybe