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The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) proposes to reclassify the Pillsbury State Forest as closed to recreational motor vehicle use. The proposed reclassification will limit the use of off-highway vehicles (OHV) in the relatively small forest located in southern Cass County. The proposed reclassification is a result of 2003 legislation requiring a review of motor vehicle use guidelines in most state forests.

The Pillsbury State Forest is currently classified as managed, which allows motor vehicles use on any road or trail unless it is posted closed. The recommendation to close the Pillsbury State Forest was based on:

- The potential environmental impacts

- Limited opportunities to provide OHV trails in a forest that is heavily used for horseback riding, snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and hunting

- The relatively small size of Pillsbury State Forest and existence of OHV trails located within 40 miles at the Foothills State Forest and Land O' Lakes State Forest.

"While reclassifying the Pillsbury State Forest to "closed" will impact some forest users, the DNR has to protect this small state forest from growing ATV use," said Keith Simar, the DNR's area forest supervisor. "Hunters and local ATV riders who enjoy riding in their neighborhood forest will be affected most by this reclassification. On the other hand, many forest users have expressed support for a state forest where one can hunt grouse or listen to songbirds without the disruption of ATV traffic."

The Pillsbury State Forest, created in 1900, is the oldest state forest in Minnesota. It was founded with a 990-acre donation from the Pillsbury estate. The state currently manages 10,000 acres in the Pillsbury State Forest, which features horse, snowmobile and cross country ski trails. The closed classification will not change the use of snowmobiles.

The forest reclassification proposal and a map showing lands covered by the proposed reclassification are on the DNR Web site at Click on "public input" and then "management plans."

The proposal can also be obtained from Jack Olson, DNR natural resources planner, 1601 Minnesota Drive, Brainerd, MN 56401; phone (218) 828-2701.

A public meeting about the proposed reclassification will be held from 6 - 9 p.m. on Tuesday, April 6, at Pillager High School, 323 East Second Street South, Pillager. The DNR will present information and receive public comments on the proposed reclassification. Written comments on the proposal must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on April 30, 2004.