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Saw a couple videos of fish in the 9 to 10 lb. class being landed on leeches. Pretty fish!
I went with some friends, first time I ever fished there.
Opening day was good,I caught 7 all were really nice fish.
Two of em were right at 10# and the other
Five were 3 to 6 pounds.
My buddy also caught 7 all nice fish also,I think his biggest
Was around 6#.
His son hooked into a huge fish we seen him fighting it
And knew it was something special so we motored
Over to have a look, I've never seen anything like it,
That fish was huge!
It in all the excitement we didn't get it weighed just took a bunch of
pics and he was in a hurry to get it back in the water, only guessing
But everybody agreed it was well over 15#
That's the only fish he caught that day but he was plenty
One of the guys in his boat caught eight fish that day,
Most were really nice fish and the third guy in the boat hooked a couple but didn't land any.
Sunday was slow I caught 1 fish about two pounds
And my buddy caught four about the same size.
Seen a young gal catch one 8.5# and heard of another 8.5 caught.
Monday morning we hooked a few
No big ones.
First day we caught all our fish off bottom in 19' of water, second day
We dragged bottom for hours without a single hookup, the few fish we did finally hook up on were about 10' deep.
There was a F&g guy motoring around trying to keep track of what was being caught, he was pretty excited to see some of the fish we were hooking into, from what he told us there was just
A few boats catching fish.
I think his name was Damon,
He was a heck of a nice guy.
Damon posted some pics of a couple of fish we caught on Facebook.
Pics just don't do justice of the big one my buddy's son caught,
It reminded me of a small King, that was one thick and fat fish!
Damon is the Henry's Lake Savior!
We got there Saturday afternoon (opener) but didn't get to fish until early evening because we had to set up the camper etc. The lake wasn't too crowded at all, none of the horror story stuff I was expecting. No line at the SP ramp of boats coming in or out, we got right in. Headed directly over to the other side (hundred yards or so offshore of the county park) and set out 4 rods, two with silver panthers, two with leadcore line and black leaches. (This was to be our setup for the following 4 days). Had our limit of fish averaging about 3 lbs. in about 90 minutes, and went back in. We could have thrown some back and went for bigger fish but we were tired from the drive from Boise. The trolling bite was ON every day after that; every morning from 6am-8:30am or so and every night from 6pm - til dark. All other times the fishing was OFF in a big way, but we picked up a few here and there. Biggest fish of the trip was a 5#er caught on worms and corn about 50 yards offshore of the cliffs, anchor/bait was SLOW to say the least, so we went back to trolling. It was a great time, came back Wednesday with a nice haul of fillets for the canner and have been having fun with new recipes for canned cuttie this weekend. Reports at the ramp suggested most people were having trouble finding fish, but that was not our experience.
On the opener 4 poles trolling caught 3 right away about 7:30.
Nothing until 8:30pm then hooked up 3 at once. Drove back through the area trolliing then drifting back with the breeze casting. Ended up with 12 between the 4 of us in an hour. Saturday between two of us we got one fish in three hours.largest was 5 pounds. Talked to someone who got an eight pounder on a fly. It was the only one he caught
fished Henrys the second and third. we caught 4 fish totally in the whole trip. 3 of which were not over 15 inches. Saturday morning i landed a true hog. my largest fish ever out of Henrys. 25.5 inches with a 16 inch girth. 8.5 lbs. couldn't be happier. wish the fishing was a little faster but ill take it.
Nice fish!
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