04-29-2017, 09:00 AM
Have you ever gone pre-fishing for a tournament, find a mother load of bass, go there the day of the event only to find them gone? emoBang There was a part of me that thought I did not need to go back after what I had found on Monday. But then doubt started to get the better of me and I was afraid what I had found was a fluke. So yesterday I loaded up the boat and went again.
Fog was so thick I had to use the GPS to get to the area I wanted to fish. Once you left the bank you were blind. You could also not go fast due to the junk in the water. emoMad There is still a lot of debris in the water including some pretty big logs. Some are big enough to really mess up a boat so be careful Saturday morning. <br /><br />Got to my first spot and thought to myself, &quot;Well, here we go, let&#39;s see if they are still here.&quot; Water was so calm it looked like glass. Not even a ripple. Got out the ol crank, made a cast, did not reel it six feet, &quot;FISH ON!&quot;. emoBig
May sound nuts but I made 20 consecutive casts and caught 20 bass! emoToast That right there is just fun! I lost track pretty quick as to how many I caught. I then started moving around looking for that kind of spot and found three more just like it. Once I figured out the pattern it was just a matter of positioning the boat and reeling. emoThumbsup It was crazy, did not seem to matter what you used or the color. Cranks, blades, plastics all worked, I could not get them to hit top water but I also did not try that long, so it might have worked if I had kept at it. I bet I could have thrown a bottle cap with a hook on it and caught them. emoTongue I was catching two at a time. emoEek (pic below) I am not sure how many fish I caught but I am going to guess I put 120 to 130 bass in the boat. It was crazy! I had got there at 8:00 and I left at 1:30. They were still biting when I left but had slowed down. I had found out what I went for. emoGeezer <br /><br />Water is still muddy, in the 70s and like I said has a lot of trash. At that end the lake is down and at the Chattanooga end the lake is still up. The gorge is still bottle necking the water and the release at the Nick end is letting more water out then the gorge is letting through so it results in that end being low. About six inches to a foot down. Nothing all that big, best one I weighed was 3/12. Had a couple more 3s so my best three would have been approx. 11 pounds. I will take that at the nick. The bass appear very healthy. Not sure where the big mommas are but numbers are just down right incredible. Looking forward to our tournament and getting to see everyone. I will miss these events, both the CFFs and the CBAs. emoGrouphug Jmax<br /><br />Here are two keepers that hit at the same time, one was just over 15 inches and the other just over 16 inches, thought I had a big one. emoRedface Hard to tell in the picture their size, not a very good picture but you get the idea.