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The Deer Creek is kicking out 12-18 inch rainbows with a trolled triple teaser. Orange and cut throat color. We got them on 8 pound test. About 50 feet of line out with a split shot about 3 feet ahead of the triple teaser. Most of them were down around 14 inches. We did manage to catch a couple that were pushing 18. Left them all for you rainbow lovers. PS It's free entry into the Lindon boat harbor for three hours if you are shopping or selling There will be a lot of good stuff. Camping Hunting and fishing Gear. see ya there.
What day and time is the swap meet?
They have been planting rainbows down at the main boat ramp yesterday and today.

A couple days from noe they will be easy catching.

They were dumping them today as I was launching the boat that I refurbished over the last year for it's sea trials.
[quote bankblob]What day and time is the swap meet?[/quote]

Saturday. The 13th. Between 8-11. Come on down see what is for sale.