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Does anyone have a source for blank slingblades? I'd like to start experimenting in making my own color combinations. Thanks
[#0000FF]I have a quantity of 3" nickel spoon blanks that I have used to add prism tape and/or paint for "dodgers" or for large trolling lures. Made up quite a few for koke heads for the Gorge and had good reports on them. Good fluttering action when ahead of a squid or large fly.

Will play let's make a deal if you are interested in part or all of my remaining supply.
Of the places that I have found them for sale they want you buy them at a 100 pieces or more. If there are some people interested in going in on a big order like that then we could pool our money and get the hand full that we want and not have to spend $200-$300 and end up with a bunch of tackle that we will never use.
Have you called Rocky Mountain tackle or crystal basin tackle? If they have them I think they will sell them to you. If not just pull off the "sticker" if you really want to make something that different.
PM "Liketrolling" - he will give you the low down on being able to purchase a small quantity of dodger blanks 9 (any style).
You could buy a stainless mirror finish piece of sheet metal and cut your own or tear apart an old toaster and cut it up. However, it would require you to buy your wife a new toaster.