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Full Version: Bear River worm drowning
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Didn't feel like getting the boat out this morning and the weather was looking a bit iffy. Just put some poles and the tackle box in the truck and headed out past the Bird Refuge. Wanted to try a couple spots I haven't been to yet. First couple were "dry holes" for fish that is. Lots of water in the Bear this year. Third spot, just after I got myself settled and a fresh cup of coffee, the clouds started breaking up and got some very welcome sun. And some very UN-welcome skeeters [:/]. But the wind picked up just a bit a that keep the skeeters at bay.
Hooked up one Carp, about 17 inches. Would have kept for Kitty Treats, but had neglected to take any kind of carry home container with me. So, I let it go. Called it a day about 1:30. Got to get home and make sure the steaks are thawed and marinating for dinner tonite [Wink].
Weather looks to be improving for the weekend.

Had a smallish surprise when I went to put my poles back in the storage unit.
This weather has the bite shut off out there recently. The bugs are going to be horrible out there this year with all them flooded fields.
Cool looking snake!
I was also out there, probably passed ya. Big skunk for me.
If ya saw a white GMC Crew Cab alongside the road, I wasn't too far away.

Now that I've caught something this year, finally, (even just Cat and Carp) I can change my profile avatar. Put up one more appropriate for the upcoming Memorial Day.

All you BFT folks that have served or are serving, Thank you for your service and sacrifice.
Going to give it a try tonight. I was concerned that the road might be closed glad to see its not.
I think I was fishing by you. The fish cop came and checked my license then headed to over where you were at. Any luck?