Apparently, the perch are not so thick at the dam this year. We caught only a couple there so we finally moved down to the boat ramp area where the action was fast and steady. Momentarily I thought that Echo was fished out or something. I guess they just moved! My dad has never used my chisel before and wanted to try to tap out a hole. Unfortunately, he somehow managed to let the chisel slip out of his hands and down the hole it went... I was busy hauling in perch when he yelled to me that he had lost the chisel down the hole. There goes $25, just like that. I was going to try to bring a 50# pull magnet down there this week sometime, but not sure if I can relocate that hole with all the snow this week. Also, chances of sticking the blade are slim, I know because the pull on the round handle is not very good. Any thoughts?
Sounds familiar. I sent a quality spud to the bottom of Bear Lake in 1984. They say you should tie a rope to one end, but then I have heard the urban legend of the guy that followed his spud through the hole. Hehehe
Good Fishing, Kayote
Depending on where you live and how valuable your time is, it might be cheaper to cut your losses, buy a new chisel, chock it up to experience, and get back to fishing sooner. That's what I would do. Good luck anyhow...
yeah, I know about the rope idea, but it gets in the way of my chopping, I can chop up to 3 inches in a single chop--much faster than my Strikemaster Lazer Auger. The salespeople warned me about this a long time ago but I never had any problems. I anticipate the moment it goes through to the water and clench onto the chisel with a death grip. There's almost no way for that chisel to slide out from even my frozen fingers. I've also learned another important lesson for the future--- don't borrow the chisel to anyone. If your friends and family will drop it the chances of an inexperienced stranger dropping it are far greater. Buying another is not a problem, except that they are not very popular and not widely available.
We caught good numbers of perch up by the dam about 3 weeks ago. Maybe they moved since then or maybe they were just not right where you were? I was beginning to think that there weren't any spots on the whole lake that didn't have fish until I found a few last week. The only thing I don't like about fishing by the dam is the climb up the rocks back to your vehicle. The fishing around the boat ramp area does seem to be the best lately.
Sorry to hear about your chisel. I think that has happened to everyone I know who uses them.

]oh my, need more stuff, now I need a chisel and a 50# magnet to take with me ice fishing, HEY, wait a minute you guys are trying to trick me into gettin more stuff arent you?[pirate]
Even if you could get the magnet latched onto the chisel, chances are it is speared into the bottom mud which would probably make it nearly impossible to pull out. I hate it when that happens! [

Sorry to hear about the chisel. I can really relate. A year or two ago I was Fishing with a friend of mine and his son. I'm a big advocate of taking kids fishing so it was hard not to blow up when I looked over my shoulder and found my friends son playing in my lure box I had left open.
It wasn't that he was playing with my stuff that made me mad it was when I watched what he was doing with it. One by one, Jig after Jig had gone to the bottom including a spare spool for one of my reels. So you can see I feel your pain!!! AS far as Echo goes we had great luck on the west side straight across from the marina in about 35' of water, but that was about 3 1/2 weeks ago.
You need to take that kid fishing with you more[

]! he needs to be loaned out to more fisherman[angelic]
How deep is the water where you were fishing? I know that at some lakes if the water is not too deep you can put lay down by the ice hole and see to the bottom. I have done this at Scofield and have been able to see to the bottom in as much as 20 feet of water on a sunny day. I have had to cover my head and the hole with a dark coat to block reflection but it is amazing what you can see. It all depends on how murky the water is and how sunny it is. I don't know if this will help you find your missing friend or not but it's an idea.