[#0000FF]Got my emailed monthly newsletter from the Utah Lake commission...with the [url "http://us14.campaign-archive1.com/?u=81543442399c32c0fce942192&id=517482bf7d"]SUMMER GUIDE[/url]. (LINK)
Thanks Pat. Nice to see the Provo marina dredging was postponed.
[#0000FF]Yeah, they were supposed to do the dredging last year...when the water level was so low they couldn't launch boats anyway. If they had gone ahead with the dredging this year...with the water level finally up high enough for great boating...there would have been a mutiny.
I'm guessing you launch there with your state pass. Let me know when you plan an attack.
I was glad to see the dredging postponed cuz it should take the stress off of Lincoln Beach that would have been a real mess if Provo was closed. I prefer to go out thru Lincoln Beach, closer to Bird Island, and I don't have to dodge the big Carp boats. Seems like the last few times I launched from Provo, I was behind 2 of those monsters, and they were churning up mud. But the wife likes the facilities at Provo. My annual State Park pass works at either place. Only have had to pay to go out thru AF, or Lindon. That brings up our trip. Will send you PM.
Thanks. The best part of the newsletter is it forewarns me of the events, so I can avoid those places.
Lincoln Beach will accept the State Park Pass? If so that is great news, I have paid both a few times going there this year. For the price the State Park pass is a great deal. Mine has paid for itself quickly this year with trips to Willard and lunch times fishing at Provo when working in Provo.
[#0000FF]There is no fee (or pass) required at Lincoln Beach. It is operated by the Utah County Parks system. A great deal for boaters who wanna launch their noise machines for free.
Also have nice restroom facilities and a nice covered pavilion for group gatherings. Also some camping available...at a cost.