A friend and I went to Starvation, tried bottom bouncing with a worm harness, crank baits, spinners, all in vain. Went to leech pattern flies in 8 -20 FOW catching bows, did not get any Walleyes. Just don't have a clue to catching them!
As TubeDude says, the key to catching walleye may be to fish for something else -- even if you have to lie when you say it aloud. So the walleye can chuckle and think they're fooling you by biting your "bass" lure.
I remember my first walleye in 1981, it was a hard earned fish. My wife loved the taste so walleye have been a target species from that. Still, if you did not grow up fishing them they can be frustrating.
The following link will get you to something that can help, but don't be afraid to check out YouTube as well. This is specific to Walleye, but Starvation as well.
[url "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKenhVfeJYI"]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKenhVfeJYI[/url]
Finding a fishing buddy that knows walleye is also a great option. Don't just go once but at least 3 times. I have taken people to my favorite spots in other states and caught huge numbers of fish, but my "partner" caught nothing. They say I don't get it, I am doing just what you are.......but they are not. The next trip they get better and catch more, the third is even better. A long term fishing partner can actually even out fish me once they get the hang of it. LOL
One way can be to join a club, so I offer the following:
[url "http://www.utahrockymountainanglers.com/"]http://www.utahrockymountainanglers.com/[/url]
I have not gone so I cannot give personal knowledge, but I have confidence it will help.