For those of you fishing Cutler lately, have the carp moved in to where I can to them with a bow from shore? Especially Benson and south.
Haven't noticed the mating dance lately, but have heard one or two murkin' in the shallows. I'm sure it's not far off where you'll be able to reach out and kick 'em from the bank.
Absolutely for sure
To tell you the truth, I think they may be on the tail end of the spawn... They were really thick in the shallows a month or so ago, but seem to have thinned a bunch lately.. at least later in the day... I'd try earlier in the morning if you want to find some still at it... They are still around for sure, but not up splashing in the shallows as much as they were... I think you can still find some, but I think the big groups may have passed for the year... Not to discourage you because every time I make a statement like this I get proved wrong but this is the trend I think I've been seeing... Good luck... J
Usually see some all the time when I get there, typically along the east side of the Bay south side of the trestle bridge and along the north side of the dike trail to the West of the bridge.
That's right by my home, but I haven't been down along that edge in a month or so... across a neighbors ground so I don't get there as often once he gets his crops planted.. But the water level is holding good and high so they have lots of room to frolic... Good luck.. J
Went to Willard south, last Wednesday, late morning, and the Carp are starting their slappin and splashin all around the edges. Any spot where brush is up thru the water seemed to be full of them.