Fishing Forum

Full Version: Dropshot, Chickamauga, Bass, 5/26/17, Copyman
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<br /> We headed to the lake Friday evening with intentions of donating to Tim and the gang, but got to the lake much earlier than we thought so we decided to hit some new water and see what we could find. <br /> Got our first taste of memorial day boat ramp tomfoolery with a moron prepping his 28 foot pontoon on the ramp and someone trying to crank their motor they had not had in the water since last memorial day. You would think people would exercise the least bit of common sense, but that is too easy.<br /> Finally got in the water and headed to first spot and on third cast I hung my Sammy in a stump right on the bank I could not get to, so I was already in a fowl mood losing a $13 lure right off the bat. About fifteen minutes later hooked up an landed our biggest fish, which was a little over three pounds on a creature bait in some thick grass. Continued hitting grass and docks up until dark, then started focusing on lighted docks and areas. Broke off one large fish under a dock that I surmise was a large catfish due to the spinning action before the line broke. Caught 16 largemouth and a large redeye in our first area before running out of room. Around 11:15 headed to new water and caught five more fish on a 1/2 ounce spinnerbait. Finally headed back to the ramp around 1:20 and enjoyed the antics of someone fishing off the dock at CFP bragging about his 3 pounder that might have weighed 1.5 pounds. <br /> All fish caught on spinnerbait, creature baits, and 7 inch worm in depths ranging from 2 feet to 15.