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Full Version: 2017 Willard Trip #12
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Great weather, light breeze, bugs manageable, still skunked.
Now here is an issue that has been raise many times, and quite recently I believe. Launch Ramp Etiquette, or LACK of.

[inline "(060) right, wait till you are on the ramp to get the boat ready...JPG"]
Get almost into the water, THEN get out and unstrap, uncover, put in plug, load boat from truck.......... oops, no, that's what NOT to do.[mad]

[inline "(061) should have done that BEFORE the ramp.JPG"]
I'll give you an A+ for persistence. As far as the boat etiquette. Unfortunately, some folks have no idea how to spell it, let alone what it means.
Really sorry about your numerous skunks and hope things pick up for you. The deal with boat launching etiquette is definitely a problem sometimes but I don't see the problem in your photo cause it doesn't appear to be crowded or anyone waiting inline. If your going to be holding someone up from launching by all means show some respect for other boaters time but if not I don't see a problem with it.
Agreed, as long as there is no line, whats the harm in doing it on the ramp. Now if there was a line, I'd be willing to bet that someone would get out of their tow vehicle and walk down and have a few words with them or at least yell at them[mad].

Forest, sorry for your continued bad luck at Willard but it's been a though year for everyone and those that claim otherwise, just aren't talking.
Crowded or not crowded the ramp is to launch. Period. There is speciific areas/parking lots at both marinas at Willard and all other waters to prep your boat. The ramp isnt the place. Whats next, a picnic on the ramp? After all my times on ramps with idiots, one of the best is when a guy just parked and locked his truck with trailer in the water at Jordanelle and just blasted off in his big fancy ship.Test drive to a seller maybe? I dont know but you have got to be joking me? Common sense goes along ways, and self righteousness sure is alive and well with others.
[quote fishman]After all my times on ramps with idiots, one of the best is when a guy just parked and locked his truck with trailer in the water at Jordanelle and just blasted off in his big fancy ship.[/quote]

The other day at Willard we watched a guy launch his boat, by his self, with his wife standing on the boat dock. He never turned his truck off and once he got his motor running, on his boat, he backed it off the trailer, picked up his wife and away he went, truck door open and still running.[crazy]
Its a wacky world Curt. I guess all we can do is keep fishing.
LOL, yes it is and at least fishing is something that we can all agree with[cool].

I sure admire your moxie! Willard has been a tough go for me and quite a few others thus far this season. In years past, I've had my fair share of skunk days, but for the most part, I'd catch at least a fish or two on most trips. There is so darn much water at Willard this year, which is really great, but it sure seems to have changed things up quite a bit.

Keep at em! If one considers the law of probability in fishing, I'd say your number is certainly up to have a blow out day at Willard sometime very soon.

What kind of boat are you fishing from? Seems like you hit the Willard water quite often, so if I see you out there, I might saunter over and share a couple of Willard Bay hard luck fishing stories with ya.
Well, I have had many skunk days at Willard in the 13 years I've been fishing it. But I must admit, 12 trips in a row is a new high (or low) for me.
Yep, most water I've ever seen in Willard. That does give the fish more area to move around in. But I think some of the problem is a combination of little to no Wiper stocking the past year or more (I think), and the with the deeper water and the warm then cold then warm then cold and wet spring we had, the water is just now warming up to what I'm used to seeing by early May.

I don't and never have claimed to know everything there is to know about Willard Bay fish habits. And I'm not really complaining now (even if it may sound like it).
I will just keep at it. Been trying to work it systematically the past few trips. Each trip I cover water that I didn't cover the trip before. But in my small boat, that takes several long days on the water. Can't really afford to go buy all the various gear and tackle that others are using, so I make do, and keep working at it.

I did actually crawl under my boat last Saturday afternoon when I got home. Wanted to make sure someone hadn't painted a big sign on the bottom that said "Fish Go Home!" [laugh]
I will be on vacation the last 2 weeks of June and may be able to get out on the water during the week when most of the power squadron is gone. Also have a trip planned to Utah Lake to take a lesson or 2 from Tube Dude and BLK on Catfish catchin......[Wink]

Oh yeah, I'm in a 14 ft Lund. Be happy to swap some stories with ya. [fishon]
Well, that couple didn't impead my launch any. I had just come back in to use the restroom. But what those photos don't show is the rig that was sitting at the top of the ramp, all prepped and ready to go, when this rig backed down and took their time. They didn't even have the grace to take the cover off their boat before backing down the ramp. The guy waiting at the top probably would have been a lot less patient except the rig that was on the right side of the ramp pulled up and out in a short time (as evidenced by the water trail). I caught a fast glimpse of the one that had been waiting as he was backing down next to the unprepared couple. He just shook his head and went on about getting his nice looking G3 in the water.
[quote Tin-Can]Well, I have had many skunk days at Willard in the 13 years I've been fishing it. But I must admit, 12 trips in a row is a new high (or low) for me.
Yep, most water I've ever seen in Willard. That does give the fish more area to move around in. But I think some of the problem is a combination of little to no Wiper stocking the past year or more (I think), and the with the deeper water and the warm then cold then warm then cold and wet spring we had, the water is just now warming up to what I'm used to seeing by early May.

I don't and never have claimed to know everything there is to know about Willard Bay fish habits. And I'm not really complaining now (even if it may sound like it).
I will just keep at it. Been trying to work it systematically the past few trips. Each trip I cover water that I didn't cover the trip before. But in my small boat, that takes several long days on the water. Can't really afford to go buy all the various gear and tackle that others are using, so I make do, and keep working at it.

I did actually crawl under my boat last Saturday afternoon when I got home. Wanted to make sure someone hadn't painted a big sign on the bottom that said "Fish Go Home!" [laugh]
I will be on vacation the last 2 weeks of June and may be able to get out on the water during the week when most of the power squadron is gone. Also have a trip planned to Utah Lake to take a lesson or 2 from Tube Dude and BLK on Catfish catchin......[Wink]

Oh yeah, I'm in a 14 ft Lund. Be happy to swap some stories with ya. [Image: fish-on.gif][/quote]

I'm thinking we may have to meet up so you can stretch your legs a bit on a bigger boat and teach me a few things, I am off every other Tuesday so I can hit Willard when most of the power squadron is at work. Let me see how I feel after this weekend at the gorge and might go up Tuesday.
I'll keep an eye out for ya. I'm in a white 16 ft PolarKraft.

I'm curious what y'all think happened with the crappie spawn this year. Do you think the spawn occurred as usual right around Mother's Day during all that crummy, cold weather? I've talked to a few guys here and there who've caught a crappie or two this year, but certainly not like the past few years. I've yet to catch a crappie at Willard this season and I've given it the ol' college try with tactics that have been money in the past.
[#0000FF]Crappie numbers the previous 2 years were bigger than this year...the result of good spawns in higher water in 2012 and 2013. They do not spawn as well in lower water years because they need flooded vegetation for best outcomes.

DWR netting surveys last fall showed lower numbers. The forecast was for poorer crappie fishing this year.

But the higher water was a boon to the crappie survivors during spawn time. Instead of schooling up over a very few potential spawning areas they spread out throughout the lake. They moved in to the newly flooded vegetation around the entire shoreline. And they stayed down in the cover. About the only catches came from folks who moved around and fished the brush. Don't know of anyone who caught numbers...consistently. Even the armada of happy harvesters did not show up around the north marina...or if they did they did not catch much and did not stay long.

Crappie numbers are way down. But there are some left. Hopefully they got off a good spawn and in a few years we will have some more good catching.
I might have been inclined to park it for him, like at the flying J. I've heard of that happening at a store with a Red Box, people leave their car running in the fire lane, wouldn't want them to get a ticket.
Its funny to see the look on peoples face when I cut my trailer right behind their boat when they pull this crap on the boat ramp! they think I'm trying to squeeze right next to them, then last second, I cut it hard so they have to wait on me! of course, this maneuver is easier with a big flat-bottom like mine, but they usually get the
fish hntr -
I didn't see this post till today when I got off work. The bigger boat sounds fun, but I doubt there is much I could teach you. But unfortunately, I still am a working stiff (most of the time [Wink]) and except for the occasional days I play hooky, the only days I can get out on the water are weekends. I am taking some scheduled vacation the last 2 weeks of June. Wife and I are planning to meet up with Tube Dude, and maybe BLK at Lincoln Beach on the 21st. There may be some other days between the 23rd and 30th I will be able to get out, but unknown right now.
I have fished WB for 13 years. I have caught every species in that water, even one I didn't know was there (a Green Sunfish I was told) I have sat in the same 10 foot area, using the same tackle, and fishing practically in the same spot of water as another boat angler in the north marina, and I have NEVER caught a Crappie at Willard. Now down in Georgia we had Crappie and Brim and we would put 75 to a 100 of them a day in the cooler. [:/]
Hey HD, how ya been? Haven't seen you on the site for awhile. Yeah, I bet they do get the "point" specially if you still got that big mud motor on your flat bottom boat. [sly]
yeah, its been a tough year for sure! Had a few medical problems and haven't been able to get out much... hopefully things get back to normal soon and I can get back on the water and contribute on here more too!
I was thinking about getting out this week, but I just heard the weather is supposed to be pretty windy all week. So I'll play it by ear.