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Was at Flaming Gorge With BSF
fished for lake trout, and kokanee also got rainbows and a ? you will see at the end of the video
can't remember how deep the downrigger was but the silver dodger and pink squid I think was down about 46 feet and starting to lose light
Fun video!
Looks like your mystery fish is a burbot. An invasive species that must be killed when caught.
Yeah everybody thinks that you have to be fishing right on the bottom and barely moving your bait to catch burbot, While ice fishing out there we have caught quite a few just 10-20 feet down.

It like at Deer Creek all of my best smallmouth that I have ever caught have been while I'm trolling for walleye. There are not many of them but they are huge compared to the ones that come from the rocky shorelines.
Nice video Robert, pretty amazing a burbot would follow a lure like that, just goes to show, they are not always bottom dwellers. Looks like you and BSF had a good trip.
Thanks Robert. I had a great time. And caught a couple of fish that I have never caught before (Mac & Burbot). We also caught a Brown Trout trolling over in the Rawlins Draw area. Thanks for sharing the video, they are always fun to watch.

Robert, it looks like you and Brian had a fun trip.
We have caught them trolling for kokes a couple of times . They were a good 45 feet off the bottom hanging with the salmon.
Thanks for taking the time to post videos using your underwater camera. Very interesting to see how the fish will follow and for how long.
Great video, thanks for sharing!
cool vid, thanks