02-06-2004, 05:35 PM
PRESIDENT'S DAY TRIPLE HEADER with SPECIAL STOCKING of 10,000 LBS. of TROUT for February 14, 15 & 16th, 2004! Irvine Lake and Berkley host this $30,000* CASH PAYBACK event with a [#ff0000]KAYAK & FLOAT TUBING[/#ff0000], FREELANCE DIVISION and the entire lake open: CASH PAID BACK for 1st through 10th places for the single heaviest trout! Included is a GENERAL PUBLIC, OPEN DIVISION inviting boaters and shore anglers alike to STRUT YOUR STUFF!! Fish from one of our rental boats; there is plenty of fishable shoreline along the west shore and Berkley Spring Lake sector; or launch your own boat!