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Full Version: Interesting UL factoid/calculation
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I was looking at the level of UL as reported today. Now it goes up and down depending on the wind and location of the sensors, but this will get us close.

As of 6/23/17
[ul][li]638831 current acre feet of water[/li][li]73.42% full [/li][li]Means full is about 870105 acre feet[/li][li]231374 acre feet of water below full pool[/li][li]1 acre foot equals 43559.9 cubic feet.[/li][/ul]

We have 1471 cfs coming out of Deer Creek today.
40% of all water in UL is lost to evaporation, so lets say we only have 882 cfs coming in. In reality, this is a SWAG because the loss is due to the surface area of the lake so more surface area means more losses and the calculations are much more difficult.

Run the numbers and it will take 132 days to fill UL at the current rate, if no water was being diverted above UL and if no water was leaving from the Jordan River.

This does not include the little bit of water from other sources, but it does tells us something.

1) We will not be filling UL this year.
2) We have a lot of durable brush submerged this year so we should have excellent recruitment of young fish.
3) If it fills next year we will have more brush that will be fresh.

So, if I did not mess up the calculations or make too bad of assumptions, UL will not fill. Still, it is sure better then it has been.

"So, if I did not mess up the calculations or make too bad of assumptions, UL will not fill. Still, it is sure better then it has been."

[#0000FF]Amen...and ahhh, women.

At this time last year the lake was miserably low. It was only about 30 days before it turned green and nasty. (algae bloom). I was wondering if we would ever see it full again. Maybe by next year.
I did notice yesterday while fishing that there is a thin green film starting to form on the airport dike side. The waves kinda broke it up but it was definitely there. It's the same kind of thing I noticed last year by Lincoln beach and the springs about two weeks before they shut down the lake for the algae bloom.
[#0000FF]There is almost always at least some level of algae bloom every year. But it gets worse when there is more treated wastewater (phosporous) and less fresh water. Last year the ratio was the worst in forever.

If you look at aerial pics of the lake you can see the greenish areas forming first near the wastewater treatment outflows. Hmmmmm?
Some algae bloom is good. The best fishing lakes I have even known had blooms every year, but like so much in life, too much of a good thing is bad.

Hopefully it won't get too bad this year.
[quote Anglinarcher]Some algae bloom is good. The best fishing lakes I have ever known had blooms every year, but like so much in life, too much of a good thing is bad.

Hopefully it won't get too bad this year.[/quote]