Fishing Forum

Full Version: 23 June fishing blog Utah Lake
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This short video fishing blog depicts the red hot fishing going on at Utah Lake. Didn't really keep track but I would estimate well over 100 white bass, 30 or so channels, a half dozen mud cats, 8 rainbow trout and an 8 1/2 pound walleye. The northern Pike have avoided me. Steve
Steve, was that you fishing that same rocky point Saturday for cats? Also, is your DAV boat no more?
Rainbows are a rare catch there but I only know of one person that can catch a lost pole that is wrapped up in barbwire with a catfish dragging it all around.

Thanks again Kent for saving my pole and the fish on it. It was a great day to be out.
When you say over 100 WB, 30 channels, and 8 rainbows, was that all on the same day?
In roughly a week.Sorry for the confusion.
The big boat we built is on Strawberry, another on Flaming Gorge and one in southern Utah. I have resigned from Hand in Hand Outdoors due to bad health but continue to fish when I can and try to have veterans on my own boat which I keep slipped at Provo boat harbor. By the time I retired as Executive Director, we had over 3,000 disabled vets and children aboard our boats. It has a great board of directors and it will continue to grow and serve. I'm am proud to be the founder and I appreciate your support and others on BFT through the years.