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Full Version: Utah Lake Catfish
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I am thinking of taking my son fishing this weekend and am thinking of trying Utah Lake if the wind cooperates. The problem is that I am not that familiar with fishing for catfish or Utah Lake in general.

I am thinking about going down to the Lincoln Beach area but am a little lost on where to start. I don't have any bait fish to use so I was thinking either worms or shrimp. My son is new to fishing from the float tube and doesn't like venturing too far from the entry point.

Is there any advise from those of you that are familiar with UL that can help us catch a few fish in the morning. We will likely only be fishing for a couple hours in the morning before the weather gets too hot.
[#0000FF]Hope this helps. Fish are close to shore now and you should be able to find a few.
Thanks for the wealth of information. Hopefully the weather cooperates.
Archie, my son and I were on UL yesterday from about 7:45 A.M. to 1:30 P.M.
We were in my small boat out on the north side of Bird Island, and I know you won't want to go that far out in tubes, but we caught so many Cats, we lost count and only photoed the first 4 or 5. We were catching them on cut white bass, night crawlers, and even some Gulp 2" pinched (floating) worms. They were mostly big males that were very dark and pretty beat up from the spawning battles. But they gave us over 5 hours of almost non-stop fight.
Have fun, and good luck. [fishon]