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Full Version: Willard/Tent on the Bay
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After a great day Monday, I ask my best friend to go to Willard Thursday. He can't stay in the sun long, so I made some drapes out of bed sheets to hang from the bimini top on my red Tracker. We fished near the island. We looked like an Arab tent floating across the bay, but it sure did the job of keeping him out of the sun. We dragged out everything from the tackle box with no results. We were seeing others catching fish all morning, but not a bite for us until we sacrificed my string cheese from my lunch. I had something on for a short fight before it broke off. Ended up with no fish but saw a most beautiful sun dog around noon that I took this picture of. Maybe the tent scared all the fish away.
Well that's too bad, it's amazing how things can change in a few days out there. Were you using side planners?
No planers. Long lineing as always; 60-80yds. at various speeds drift - 4.2mph. Has to be better next time, Right?
Yds? is that a guess or are you using line counters? The reason I ask is because we let out 150 to 200 ft when long lining behind the boat. If you are letting out that many yds that would be 180ft to 240 ft. I'm sure that will work but depending on the lure, it might be going too deep. Some days no matter what you use you will catch fish other days you have to be very precise to catch fish there. The lipless cranks we use only go down to 7ft and we let out that much line just to get them away from the boat more but that's also the reason the side planner work so well. You don't have to let out as much line when using side planners, at least this time of the year when the fish are shallow because there is no boat in front of them. When those fish are shallow, like they are now, feeding on shad, the boat will make them move off to the side, as it goes by. Every day is different, so you just never know but usually when fish are in this type of pattern, that's what works for us.