Fishing Forum

Full Version: camaro88z, Chick, Bass, 070717, Just me
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Went out today. Caught 17 bass. Non of them was huge. One ok fish. I have a crazy story about the fish. Started fishing early this morning. Had already caught one. Pulled up to this bank and started throwing on it. Had a couple of good thumps on my line so I set the hook. Well line snapped. Didn't get much pressure at all before it did. So it bugged me all day. I hate to kill bass. And I thought stupid me. Should have checked my line had to be a bad spot. Then I got to seeing alot of gar and thought. Maybe it was a gar. I set hook teeth cut my line. Made since to me. Didn't think much else of it after that. Was getting ready to call it a day and thought I want to hit that stretch of bank again. Pulled 2 small fish off of it. At that point I had made it back to that spot from this morning. Casted out here was a couple more hard thumps. I set hook. This time my line was good. Got fish in the boat. Noticed my trick worm was gone. Figured lost it in the fight. Went to remove hook. There was just the trail of a trick worm sticking out of the throat of the bass. I thought man this fish swallowed that fast. Removed hook. Grabbed my needle nose pliers pull the trick worm out. To my surprise I was the one from this morning with the hook still in it. Hook was still burryed sharp point in bait. So it did not hurt the fish. I was surprised. Happy I was able to right the wrong for that fish this morning. It was also my biggest fish for the day.