07-13-2017, 09:00 AM
Made it out this past Friday morning and was able to take my landlord along with me. We've had the conversation several times and finally got a trip together. Lately I've been fishing offshore points and ledges, putting my time in and learning. But seeing how it's not always that exciting or easy to get on them I decided to bump the banks and docks. Which worked out well seeing that he is not an avid angler and was more in his comfort zone. If you recall Friday it was full of early morning showers and high temperatures. Luckily our pattern worked out for us. Ended up boating around 20 fish. Most were short with a couple of chunks and two solid fish at 4.01 and 3.76. Every last one came from a Yum Chatruese tailed dinger (basically a senko). And all of them in less than 4 fow. I was skeptical about the shallow gameplan that morning but it proved me wrong and he had a great time which was plenty enough for me. Feels good when you can help make someone's day just by taking them fishing!