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Full Version: Boat size for Cutler
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How big of a boat is safe to launch at Cache Jct. and either head toward Benson or downstream toward the dam? I have a 16ft. deep V tracker with a 90 horse motor and would like to try fishing for cats on that section of the river. I got about a 36 inch draft.
Right now the water is fairly low, so I think if you launch at Cache Junction you will want to head towards the dam and fish down stream... Be very careful at the launch there are a few underwater hazards at the ramp... It will also be shallow until you get past the highway bridge... 36" draft it pretty deep, so be careful, we run boats with a lot less draft and still hit bottom at times... Most of the bottom is soft mud though so hopefully won't take out the prop on the first bump.. good luck... J
There are NO fish to be found in that area... [Wink]
As Skunkedagain said there are some shallow mud bars beteween Benson marina and Cache Junction and finding the main channel can be a challenge. Going south from Benson there is a low walk bridge that you might not get under and I think the motor restriction is 35 horse or less south of that bridge. Like Jeff mentioned going from Cache Junction toward the dam may be your best bet.
Sounds like I better keep it out of those waters all together. Thanks to all for the information.
Get lined up with one of us and we'll take you out and show ya what it's like so you know what to plan on. I have a pretty busy schedule this summer but might be able to sneak a night trip in on a Friday. Later J
I have a 14' Lund with a 15 HP outboard, and draft just over 18" from bottom of hull to water line. My sonar skimmer is exactly 16" above the bottom of my motor skeg when the motor is straight up and down. Anytime I'm on Benson, I run with my motor locked up in the shallow drive position, with the water intake just under enough to draw water into the impeller.
I've found a few areas that were 4 to 5 feet deep, and one big hole on the north side of the highway bridge thats about 15 to 17 feet deep. All I've ever caught out of that hole are small mudders.
Towards the north east edge of the marina there seems to be a bit deeper channel, but I still have not found one deep enough that I feel comfortable to run at full speed from the marina docks up to the river mouth and on up toward Cutler Dam like I've seen several bass boats and a few ski boats even.

I think if you keep your motor trimmed up, keep one eye on the sonar, and move around the area slow, you should be OK. If you see brush or limbs up out of the water anywhere, just assume there is a hump or sand bar under them.

Photo is my trails from last 2 trips to Benson back in May, but the water was flowing pretty fast and was a bit deeper.

Good luck if you go, be careful.
Just measured mine: skeg to sonar=18"
sonar to waterline=14"
bottom of hull-waterline=17"
With motor trimmed up I could follow your trails. thanks for the information.
Almost forgot, several places along the west side of Benson there are irrigation sloughs that go back in the fields. Some of those areas have given up some nice Cats. But they get shallow real quick. I've even edged in to them slow going backwards so my sonar sees the bottom changes sooner. [:/]