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Full Version: Strawberry 7-27
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Hit Strawberry this morning. Very few boats out looking for kokes. Maybe it was because there were not many kokes to be had. We fished for a couple of hours and caught two small kokes and one slot cut.
It was a beautiful day to be out.
We fished most of today around the mouth of the narrows over to Haws point and north to Sage area. We caught a couple of 20 " cuts and a few mini slot busters (10") all in the 35" ft range. We were unable to buy a bite again for the kokes. The cuts took green squids with a spinner blade, no other colors worked for us today. I took the DAV vet from a few weeks ago out with his two boys.
I've been taking my vitamin C ...... but I (we) still caught what you caught!! Pretty Sad, today, 7-28, two little kokes and 1 18" slot cutt......0630 to 1130....Saw (some) fish anywhere from 23' to 52', and we tried all those depths at times, concentrating on the deeper side.....Last 4 weeks have been pretty good, but like others have said, nothing that worked then worked today....HOWEVER....Solunar Calendar did say today was to be a POOR fishing day, and it was correct, for us....MAYBE I'll pay a little closer attention to what it says for the next outing.....But it was a good boating day....