How is Scofield fishing? I have been gone from Utah for 4 years now. The last year I was there Scofield was in a decline. Mismanagement lead to horrible chub outbreaks. I used to catch monster cuts and tigers. Any reports would be great. I am coming back into to town this weekend. Is it worth it?
its still the same mismanaged lake as before. but more water to let those fatty chub spread out. i miss the good old days of the monster cutts an rainbows our of there. unless your looking for cut bait, i wouldnt waste your time
I hate to disappoint you, but unless your looking to stock up on chub meat I wouldn't go there.[:/]
There are still some large cutthroats and a few tigers but you have to weed out all the small trout and mostly chubs, to get to them.
I saw a picture of just below the dam and there were thousands of chubs swimming in the river.
The UDWR says this about Scofield.
Quote:Scofield Reservoir
Fishing for chub has been steady using worms and PowerBait. So far this summer, Scofield Reservoir has been stocked with more than 143,000 catchable cutthroat trout. Try using spinners or trolling with rainbow- and frog-colored double leg flatfish. (08-02-17)
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Fishing for chub has been good???? Who "fishes" for chub. What a waste! Back in the day I hauled out a 10# yellowstone cut on a fly. I used to get nothing under 19 inches. This is a crime for the DWR.
[quote Eternal_Angler]Fishing for chub has been good???? This is a crime for the DWR.
I've been sayin' that for the last 5 years.
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Aaaa..... not sure if I dare print this but I'm lookin' for some good chub fishing. No, not for table fare... I need some for catfish bait.
I see the area below the dam mentioned as swarming with chubs... accessible? The last time I was there that area was all fenced off with nasty no trespassing signs. Is there a legal way to fish there?? even maybe use a cast net?? If not, I'll just fish in the lake by the dam? small hook(s) and a piece of crawler.
Suggestions appreciated.
[quote Boatloadakids]Aaaa..... not sure if I dare print this but I'm lookin' for some good chub fishing. No, not for table fare... I need some for catfish bait.
I see the area below the dam mentioned as swarming with chubs... accessible? The last time I was there that area was all fenced off with nasty no trespassing signs. Is there a legal way to fish there?? even maybe use a cast net?? If not, I'll just fish in the lake by the dam? small hook(s) and a piece of crawler.
Suggestions appreciated.
Now that is making lemonade out of lemons. [fishin]
There are tons of chubs below the dam and they will hit just about anything that you put in front of them especially if it has a bit or worm on it. I was using small jigs and a small spinner that had a fly on the back that worked well without any bait.
As long as you don't go jumping over the chain link fence you will be fine. There is a sign saying how the land owner has granted sportsman access and there is a road and outhouse with places to get down to the river.
I fished where the spillway and the outlet meet. If I didn't get a hit from the megs mass of chubs in the slack water I would just let the lure drift down with the current and they would hit just about every cast. In just over two hours I slicked up 50-60 chubs.
Have fun if you go.
There are always a gross of chubs near the foot bridge below the dam. Easy access and room to throw a net.
Bring a dump truck
OK, I don't have time, but is there a central place for dead chub distribution. Hehe
I've got a couple spare bags of chopped up chubs in you need some.
Hey, thanks for all the suggestions. I'll take a little drive that way tomorrow and see if I can snag a couple. It will be good to get away from the heat for a few hours.
I still have a few chubs TD gave me (thanks again) so I'm good until I can replenish. The ones TD gave me are 5-6 inchers. I use them cut in half or I like to drag them with a hook thru the gill plate or eyes and a stinger hook near the tail. A few perforations in the gut with a knife and they leave a nice scent trail the cats can follow like a blood hound. Good bait.
I have checked the proclamation to see it there is a restriction on using a casting net... don't see anything?? Looks like the outlet is part of the Price River system and I see nothing about restrictions on taking non-game fish... just don't want a citation.
Anyhow, thanks for the help. I will be sure to post pictures of my catch.[cool]
If your going to use a net then you may want to take some help along to pull it out of the water. especially if you get it over to the slack water from the spillway.
Quote:To take nonprohibited nongame fish, you may use angling, traps, archery, dipnets, cast nets, liftnets, seines or a handheld spear from above the surface of the water. You may use a crossbow only if you’re taking carp. When using these methods, please remember the following rules:
• Seines (nets) may not exceed 10 feet in length or width.
[red]• Cast nets may not exceed 10 feet in diameter (a five-foot radius).[/red]
• Nongame fish that are legal to take must either be released or killed immediately after you remove them from the water. You may not leave them on the shoreline.
Underwater spearfishing for nongame fish (other than carp) is only allowed at the waters listed on page 15.
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