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I caught a few more of these I think are bluegil at DC, what do you think?
Looks like a bluegill to me.

Looks like one. I know there are green sunfish in there but that is not a sun fish and as far as I know they shouldn't be in deer creek. Maybe get in tough with the fish biologist for that area and talk to them.
Will have to show them a sample.
[#0000FF]Definitely looks like a bluegill. I have never caught one in several decades of fishing Deer Creek.
Caught 6 now in the same area, going to try again Thursday.
I agree, it is a gill. A bucket biologist must have planted them and they apparently have, in part, taken hold.

In this case, the lake could use the forage, so it is not a bad thing. I would have never figured that they would take hold in DC.
They are hanging out in the brushy areas, like perch.
[#0000FF]Might have been in the same bucket with the white bass, crappies and bullheads that miraculously appeared in Deer Creek. Haven't ever heard much of the white bass but crappies and bullheads are doing well.