My wife and I talked about heading north for Monday's big show. Decided to stay home. Sitting here bored this morning and started wondering about what effect the eclipse would have on fishing when it happens. Any ideas?
I'm curious to find out if it makes fishing pick up at midday since it will appear like sundown and then dawn. Interesting to try and observe what goes on. Let's track it if anyone goes out during the eclipse. Maybe all the fish will be swimming around with stupid glasses on checking out the show. Be interesting though. J
I certainly want to be out in the boat on Monday to see if the fishing picks up during the false dawn, besides, I think you will be able to view the event much better from a fishing boat!
Everything is better on a fishing boat!
So there I was fishing on Lake Baptiste in the Wind Rivers when the eclipse hit, and ya know what? I forgot to cast cause it was so freeking cool, I've never seen anything like it.... Birds were heading to cover in nearby scrub trees, stars were out and it looked like the sun was coming up or going down 360 degrees around me, while I was standing in the dark... So dang I missed it, didn't take a cast in the dark, but during the build up to the event it didn't seem to make any difference... It was slow on that lake, but it was windy and cold too.... Only had one fish follow one cast in, but no takers... I'll be putting a full post up later on the trip... Cool event though, wish everyone could have experienced it, it was way cooler than I ever expected it to be... The howling of wolves at the eclipse climax followed by additional ones all around kind of added to the affect... except that was my brother and the thirty other folks that was in the area to get away from people... that all joined in a nice howl... Anyway fun event and gorgeous back ground to enjoy it in... Later J