I am having my worst catching year ever . I bet I have not caught 50 fish since the ice went off . The lake is to full and the fish are still scattered. There is to much moss to troll . Hopefully it will get better this fall . Don't get me wrong still having fun getting out in God's Country . Been retired for4.5 years and loving every minute.
I am sorry it's such a bad year for you, I know how you feel. I have had bad years with too much weeds also. It frustrates me a lot, but I get over it. I get over it because I say to myself, "it is not about catching fish, it's about trying to. If it was about catching fish only, it would be called catching and not fishing." I say this to myself to get over my frustration of weeds, no bites, bad years, etc.
I know how you feel, and I am sorry.
Good luck,
I agree it's not bad year . I live in God's Country everyday. Same with hunting . It's not about killing although it is nice to bring something home .
Exactly. You seem to have a good attitude about it. I just wanted to share my opinion about it because I like helping others. Less than 50 fish in a year, is that what you said? Did I read that correctly? I had that happen to me once.
Anyway, I am just trying to help you if you need it.
Living the dream Bud! [bobhappy]
Last year at this time the lake was down to 15 percent, we were catching 50 fish a day . I appreciate the help . I try to do the same . I have helped several people on the forum.
[quote curt69]Last year at this time the lake was down to 15 percent, we were catching 50 fish a day . I appreciate the help . I try to do the same . I have helped several people on the forum.[/quote] You have always been more than helpful Curt! My comment was about how I grew up there and had a house up there for 30 years and I consider you a lucky man!
I appreciate your help too . I have always like your posts . Sometimes people say I am too helpful . I have caught a lot of fish in my life . I want others to have the experience. Especially children . Mmdon i consider you a friend .
Sorry to hear about the poor year Curt. I agree you have been very helpful to many over the years. You are a great person to be around. Hope things improve soon.
I just love being in Gods country. Catching is just a bonus . It should pickup as the nights get cold .
Sorry to hear you are having a tough 2017. You may want to try closer to home on the river. I hear they are fishing the riffles and it is hammer time.
Anyway hope you are enjoying retirement, only 10 more years of that rat race and I am out - lol.
Fishing is getting better as fall gets closer .
Way to go Curt! Glad it's picking up.
Glad for you. The fish are starting to bite again at Island Park. Do you think that is the case with Henry's Lake? When do the Brookies start spawning? I'd like to come up to Henry's on the 14th and fish the weekend, but I don't like getting skunked. What are your suggestions?
Idaho Falls---Jim
I don't fish Henry's till after October 1 . Right now there is an alge bloom warning . Don't let anything drink the water .
The fishing is getting better . Did well on Saturday. The forecast for this weekend is 50 for the high and 30 for the low . Island Park Reservoir and Henry's should really start to get good .
On the return trip from Henry's yesterday, I took a detour to IP dam. Discovered the reservoir is capped. I didn't care to explore ice thickness in the dark so no clue. Couldn't really see if anyone had ventured on the ice. Anyone been?
I took a ride to the reservoir this morning and they were fishing at the dam and off the boat ramp near the dam. I did not fish but talked with one fisherman who told me there was 5 inches of ice.